1683893788 Report highlights various failings in countrys natural disaster management –

Report highlights various failings in country’s natural disaster management – ​​

Poor coordination between levels of government, incomplete public communication, lack of data on the consequences of these disasters, uninsured disaster victims: the National Risk Profile (NRP), the first national-level strategic assessment of disaster risk, highlights several parameters to improve.

The weaknesses include the lack of data on the far-reaching psychosocial consequences of these accidents, but also the low utilization of insurance in areas with high risk of earthquakes and floods, says the report, which provides an overview of the current situation. and soon to more than 200 pages.

It would also be necessary to close the gaps in information sharing between health and emergency management systems or to integrate climate change adaptation into emergency management.

We have also learned that risk mitigation measures such as infrastructure modernization programs in Canada remain inadequate.

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The document is intended for both the public and policy makers, who are urged to improve Canada’s emergency management systems in a proactive, holistic and hazard-aware manner, rather than ad hoc and reactive.

The report also recommends integrating indigenous knowledge, which could play a crucial role in emergency response, as indigenous communities are among those most at risk of facing these issues.

communication tool

Unveiled in the middle of Emergency Preparedness Week, it is above all an awareness-raising tool to inform Canadians about the risks of disasters and their possible consequences – another aspect that needs improvement, according to the authors, who point to deficits of capacity Raising awareness of disaster risk among Canadians to create a culture of preparedness.

They cite a 2021 survey conducted by IPSOS on behalf of the federal government, which shows that most Canadians surveyed (74%) believe they live in a low-risk (53%) or medium-risk (22%) region .

Bill Blair speaks at the microphone.

Bill Blair, President of the Queen’s Privy Council for Canada and Canadian Government Minister for Emergency Preparedness. (archive photo)

Photo: The Canadian Press/Adrian Wyld

There is no region in the country that is exempt from risk, Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair stressed when unveiling the report on Thursday.

“We want Canadians to be more aware of the risks related to where they live. »

– A quote from Bill Blair, Secretary of State for Emergency Preparedness

The Minister recalled that due to climate change, these events are increasing in severity and frequency and it is therefore important to be better prepared.

The document specifically cites Canada’s Changing Climate Report 2019: Canada’s climate is warming twice as fast as the global average and almost three times faster in the north, putting its population, economy and environment at increased risk of natural disasters.

Costly floods

According to the report, floods, the most costly category of disasters, cause about US$1.5 billion in damage each year. Approximately 75% of uninsured losses are incurred by homeowners each year.

For residents of flood-prone areas who are struggling to get insurance, Ottawa is considering a variety of ways to help and mitigate some of the risk of insurance being an available product for these Canadians, Mr Blair promised in a news conference.

The minister also mentioned the creation of a public portal to record the sectors at risk of flooding in the next year and a half.

To illustrate the exponential cost of natural disasters, Mr. Blair recalled the existence of the Emergency Disaster Assistance Fund, from which Ottawa can pay up to 90% of the cost. This equates to nearly $80 billion over the last 50 years, 75% of that [attribué ] in the last 10 years, the minister summed up.

When other types of disasters occur, the national risk profile is expanded to include man-made hazards, such as terrorist attacks or cyberattacks, which could have a significant impact on Canada’s national security and economic prosperity.