1704149546 Reporter Hanna Resch has a blackout in the Tagesschau

Reporter Hanna Resch has a blackout in the “Tagesschau”

Mistakes are human!

Journalist Hanna Resch got into trouble during the 8pm newscast on “Tagesschau”, when she was supposed to report live on the latest developments in Israel's controversial judicial reform.

The contribution, titled “Israel's judicial reform partially overturned”, was moderated by chief spokesperson Jens Riewa. Then it was Resch's turn.

The reporter reported from Tel Aviv

The reporter reported from Tel Aviv

Photo: ARD

Connecting from Tel Aviv, the freelance correspondent started with a small slip of the tongue, but ended up managing to convey the “severe setback for Netanyahu and his radical right-wing government” perfectly.



Then things got a little complicated. Hanna Resch was confused and said: “(Previously unidentified opposition politician Jair) Lapid said very clearly that this is the case here Israel really did its duty… the court did its duty. AND We have in truth …”

Then Resch stopped, apologized to the audience and looked down – where there might be some notes. “I need to compose myself for a moment,” said the surprised woman, scratching the back of her head in embarrassment. But even a second attempt did not bring the desired success.

▶ It must be emphasized, however: during the blackout, the “Tagesschau” correspondent always remained charming and smiled elegantly to ward off her mistakes!

Jens Riewa took over with confidence and thanked – rightly so – in a completely ironic way

Jens Riewa took over with confidence and thanked – rightly so – in a completely ironic way

Photo: ARD

Jens Riewa was introduced by the broadcaster and remained confident. “Thank you, Hanna Resch. “Everything has arrived, we understand everything”, praised the experienced journalist to his colleague in a completely ironic way. With a “Many thanks to Tel Aviv,” Riewa turned thematically to Ukraine.

Hanna Resch is very popular online. Mistakes happen, according to most users. However, some users suspect that the journalist, who describes a visit to “Palestine” on her homepage as a “key moment” in her life, may have hesitated because she incorrectly described Netanyahu's entire government as “radical right-wing”.

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▶ Background to the “Tagesschau” report: Israel’s Supreme Court nullified a central element of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government’s controversial judicial reform. In a decision published on Monday, the judges declared null and void an amendment to the law approved in July. This deprived the court of the opportunity to take action against “inadequate” government decisions and annul them.

In the article published online in the ARD media library after the broadcast, the section with Hanna Resch was later shortened. The reporter's error can no longer be seen.