Federal Minister for Economy and Climate Protection Habeck (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen). (Michael Kappeler / dpa / Michael Kappeler)
More is not possible in the coalition with SPD and FDP, said the green politician in a video message. It is a compromise document. There are good things and things he didn’t need. What is most dissatisfying for him is the gap in the transport sector. In short, the deals weren’t enough, Habeck said. Chancellor Scholz had already defended the resolutions in the Bundestag. Questioned by the government, he said that the country has proposed to modernize. From now on things went faster than before. The stagnation of the last few decades, for which conservative politics must be thanked, has finally come to an end. Scholz referred to the infrastructure or transport sector. As for buildings, there will be pragmatic solutions for the country to become carbon neutral, he added. Nobody will be alone.
Harsh criticism came from environmentalist and opposition groups. They complained about backward steps in climate protection or criticized coalition resolutions as insufficient. Business and transport associations praised the results.
This message was broadcast on Deutschlandfunk on March 29, 2023.