Rest on God39s Timing by Steve Riviere Thoughts for

Rest on God's Timing by Stève Rivière – Thoughts for the day

Rest in God's timing

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God makes everything beautiful in its time. He implanted the sense of eternity into the depths of man. And yet man is unable to comprehend the work that God does from beginning to end.
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Some time ago I cooked according to a recipe, but I specified the cooking time incorrectly. The food wasn't ready on time. In the kitchen, timing is important to have a good meal. The same goes for the breakthroughs God wants to give us in our lives. God's timing is important.

Remember: While you wait for your victory, God is at work. As the Scripture says, “The times and the destiny are in his hands” (Psalm 31:15).

You may feel that some of God's promises to you are slow to arrive or that they no longer apply to you.

It's often just a matter of time. I encourage you to keep the faith, God is for you, He is with you. Your certificates today have an expiry date!

Without you realizing it, God is working for you behind the scenes. He is preparing the way for His blessings to come to you. It prepares divine connections: people you may not know yet but will meet at the right time. Rely on his timing. He makes everything beautiful in its time.

If you are struggling to rest in Him and are waiting for a breakthrough, I invite you to pray and ask Him to help you abide in Him more than ever during this time.

I also pray that He will reassure you by reminding you that He is indeed the God of time and circumstance and that He holds the times and seasons of your life in His hands.

Listen to the voice of God

Do you feel like it is too late for God's promises to be fulfilled in your life? Take time today to listen to God calm you.

Praying is easy. Talk to God like you would your closest friend who loves you and can hear everything. You can dare to say to him: “Lord, I believe with all my heart that you are the God of promise, but sometimes it seems to me that you act primarily for others. Please hurry up to act in my life, I need you.” so much today. Amen!”

Praise God

Praising God means showing our gratitude to him. What are your recognition topics today? You'll find some, that's for sure. So take the time to thank the Lord for His active presence in your life today and even more for all the days to come!

Take action today

If you sometimes or even often feel like you are forgotten, unloved, and less well served than others, begin today to proclaim that you are a beloved child of God, heir to His wonderful promises! Your thoughts will update eventually.

Honor the Lord

Our journey for this day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

“Thank you, Lord, I believe in your promises, ALL your promises, even the ones that concern me! Yours be the kingdom, the power and the glory, Amen!”

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Rest on God39s Timing by Steve Riviere Thoughts for

The book “Become” is not an easy read, it is much more. This is a 21-day devotional book to help you strengthen your identity in Christ.

Every meditation comes to life thanks to integrated QR codes that guide you to 20-minute videos. In these videos I personally guide you through a prayer time called “soaking” with an instrumental background.

“Become” is more than a book, it is an integrated video training. This book encourages every reader to take time for personal prayer and intimacy. I firmly believe that by pursuing this daily practice, you will experience a significant change in your spiritual life.

1709643440 766 Rest on God39s Timing by Steve Riviere Thoughts forStève Riviere is parish priest of L'Église destinée on the island of Reunion and founder of the Ecole Biblique Destinée.

Some time after his conversion in 2002, he received this strong conviction “Free the fate of the children of God, because the solutions to the ills of society lie in their calling, their destiny.”.

Since founding the Destinée School in 2010, he has witnessed many lives changed. The Destinée school offers free training that you can discover by clicking on this link.

He is also the author of the book Progress, which you can get for free by clicking this link. This book was digitized in the form of a 49-day journey (1 email per day).