Retirement quotWater greetingquot for the last landings of Commander Christian

Retirement: "Water greeting" for the last landings of Commander Christian Augustin Guadeloupe on the 1st Overseas on the 1st

After 43 years at the helm of aircraft, particularly for the Air Caraibes airline, Commander Christian Augustin is taking a well-deserved retirement. This pioneer from Guadeloupe was honored as a pilot at the end of his last flights: “water greetings” were organized in Saint-Martin as well as in Guadeloupe.

He is a happy man who will be retiring in September 2023 after 43 years of good and faithful service. On the occasion of his final flights, Air Caraibes captain Christian Augustin was honored by the aviation community in the form of “water salutes”. As usual, his plane was sprayed by fire engines on the tarmac at Grand-Case airport in Saint-Martin and Pôle Caraibes in Guadeloupe.

Preparation for the “Salut d’eau”, during the final landing of Commander Christian Augustin, on the tarmac of the “Guadeloupe Pôle Caraibes” airport – September 22, 2023. • ©Jean-Marie Mavounzy

This pilot’s emotions were at their peak this morning.

Lots of emotion. Look what it is on a human level! All my colleagues are there, the air traffic controllers, the firefighters who greeted us, who only said nice things to us. That’s a lot of love! No one is ready to receive so much love at once! Thanks for that !

Commander Christian Augustin, young pensioner

Commander Christian Augustin, surrounded by colleagues who honored him before his retirement, at the “Guadeloupe Pôle Caraibes” airport – September 22, 2023. • ©Jean-Marie Mavounzy

He willingly gives up his position, confident that greatness awaits him in the industry in which he has worked for more than four decades.

This is something I’ve always noticed over the years: you have to be optimistic! Many beautiful things were done that we dreamed of when we were little. There will be even better things in the future. The generations of my colleagues, boys and girls, who are brilliant people and great pilots, will continue to carry the torch and take our passengers around the world.

Commander Christian Augustin, young pensioner

Now that this young man is integrated into the Ministry of Recreation, he can pursue his passions that go beyond flying an airplane. However, it will not stay on the ground. This enthusiastic diver wants to continue his journey at sea!