Return of snow to Montreal a white carpet on Thursday

Return of snow to Montreal: a white carpet on Thursday – MétéoMédia

Published November 7, 2023 at 10:25 p.m.

The landscape will change radically in Montreal. Forecast.

In summary:

  • Return of the cold from Wednesday to Thursday;

  • passage of a system during the day;

  • White carpet in Montreal.

Change of landscape

In the south of the province, the landscape is likely to change radically on Thursday. The mild mildness that Montreal experienced on Tuesday will give way to more wintry conditions. The atmospheric context would be favorable for the return of the white with a high pressure area to the north and the passage of a system. While the snow accumulations wouldn’t be large, they would be enough to form a nice white carpet.


Sufficiently cold

The last snow in the Greater Montreal area did not stay on the ground due to the mild temperatures. This time we expect a cold morning on Thursday. In fact, the mercury in the greater metropolitan area would fluctuate between -5 and -7°C. Freezing rain is expected south of the border. According to the models, Montreal would only get snow.


White carpet

The presence of a high pressure area in Labrador would divert the cold air directed into the St. Lawrence Valley. According to the models, the milder air would continue aloft further south, preventing freezing rain from occurring in southern Quebec. The light snowfall would accumulate over the course of the day on Thursday into a white carpet of snow 3 to 5 cm thick in places. In Outaouais it could reach 10 cm. At the end of the day, getting home might be problematic. The road surface could be particularly slippery.


In collaboration with Patrick Duplessis, meteorologist.

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