1699847564 Revolution Pixel takes its place

Revolution: Pixel takes its place

Pixel’s mission for the ultimate choice revolution, Sunday, should take full responsibility and take his rightful place. Given the laudatory comments from the masters, we can say that she has overcome her challenge.

Revolution Pixel takes its place

Photo provided by OSA Images

In an interview, Pixel admits that he did his best on this problem. “I felt like I had found myself in my previous performances, but doing this show was a big challenge at first. So I wanted to come up with a number that had meaning to me and tell something personal through it.”

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Photo provided by OSA Images

The Popper also proved that you can tell stories with this dance style. “It’s something I really enjoy, but I haven’t been able to show it in my other performances. I think it was the right time. But it’s true that when you’re popping, it’s easy to get lost in the format of the style and what it’s supposed to be.”

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Photo provided by OSA Images

Through the challenge and pressure of the masters, Pixel, also known as Marie-Anouck, was able to show who she really is, and not just the character. “I missed showing the woman behind the character and showing who I am. However, it is my essence, it is important to maintain this in our art.”

After this phase, Pixel is even more confident before moving on to the final round. “My goal was to go as far as possible, but I didn’t want to take anything for granted. When we are in our own world, sometimes we lack perspective. But I will approach the final with much more confidence. It’s a nice pat on the back to be chosen in the end along with Sophie and Sean. That shows me that I’m on the right path.”