Reynoso only got 1 out of 12 How many points

Reynoso only got 1 out of 12: How many points did the coach expect after the first 4 dates?

Reynoso only got 1 out of 12 How many points

The second double date of the 2026 qualification ended and the Peruvian team After all, he found himself in a not very pleasant position. After the first four dates, the Bicolor only got 1 out of 12 possible points and ended up in ninth place in the overall ranking. This situation was not well received by the national fans, who singled out Juan Reynoso as the main culprit for this moment.

However, this was not the ideal start that the team’s coach had initially predicted. Everyone’s teamwho looked very optimistically into the future after taking over the bicolor jumper and even revealed that he would have liked to see the country at the top of the table with the chance of direct qualification for the 2026 World Cup.

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How many points did Juan Máximo Reynoso want after the first four rounds of qualifying?

In dialogue with Ovation Radio Last May, the coach was asked about the points he had seen at the end of October after playing against Paraguay, Brazil, Chile and Argentina. At that moment, the coach assured that he would be happy with 8 points out of 12.

“The ideal of those 12 points when you’re excited, with 8 I would be super happy. Win everything at home against very strong rivals and score points away. “We are worried about being able to get the 8 points that will allow us to be in the top four places in the playoffs,” he noted at the time.

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How will Peru fare in the 2026 World Cup qualification?

Unfortunately, at this point in qualifying, Juan Reynoso was barely able to get a single one of the eight points he would have liked. Although the Bicolor team started on the right foot, picking up a point in the away game against Paraguay in Ciudad del Este, they were unable to maintain the pace and added three consecutive defeats to Brazil, Chile and Argentina, two of them at home.

  • Paraguay – Peru 1:1
  • Peru – Brazil 0-1
  • Chile 2-0 Peru
  • Peru – Argentina 0:2.

It is no secret to anyone that the Peruvian team is at a critical point and needs to step up as quickly as possible, so the Bicolor will have to score at least four points against Bolivia La Peace and Venezuela in the next double date that will take place next November in Lima. Otherwise, the dream of participating in the 2026 World Cup will become much more complicated.

2026 qualification rankings