Ricardo Gareca is in Peru why has the Tigre returned

Ricardo Gareca is in Peru: why has the “Tigre” returned to our country?

Ricardo Gareca stopped coaching the Peruvian team more than a year ago, but his memory is still very present in the memories of fans. Amid the crisis that Blanquirroja is experiencing due to his poor start to the playoffs, his name has become trending on social networks among a group of fans who are longing to see “Tigre” again in Peru. Precisely on this Saturday, the 25th, the coach arrived in Lima to carry out a visit he had planned, which had nothing to do with problems related to the Inca team.

Why is Ricardo Gareca in Peru?

The Argentine strategist is one of the luxury guests at the farewell of the former footballer Carlos Lobatón, who was his coach in the Bicolor. The event takes place this Sunday, November 26th and the coach was thrilled to take part in this tribute game to the Sporting Cristal idol.

“I was never a captain (laughs). We will be there. It was an honor for me. It will be an honor,” commented the 65-year-old coach in the promotional video recorded together with ‘Loba’.

YOU CAN SEE: Gareca would be interested in returning but according to Succar there would be a major obstacle

Who will Ricardo Gareca meet in Peru?

In addition to Lobatón, Gareca will reunite some of his former students in the Inca cast, such as Yoshimar Yotun, Alberto Rodríguez and Willian Chiroque. Other characters who have confirmed their presence at the Alberto Gallardo Stadium are “Pibe” Valderrama, Roberto Mosquera, Andrés “Cóndor” Mendoza and Jorge Cazulo.

Ricardo Gareca is in Peru why has the Tigre returned Ricardo Gareca will be one of the technicians at Loba’s farewell. Photo: Photo by Carlos Lobaón/X

This was the arrival of Ricardo Gareca in Peru

That Saturday morning, Gareca was greeted by a group of fans as he left Jorge Chávez airport. The coach thanked the fans and quickly left the pitch without making a statement.

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Can Ricardo Gareca return to the Peruvian team?

According to journalist Michael Succar, Ricardo Gareca I would have some interest in returning to the Peruvian team. However, the big obstacle that “Flaco” would encounter would be the presence of Agustín Lozano, president of the FPF, with whom he had a strained relationship in the last months of his term as leader of the Bicolor.

However, at the last FPF board meeting, the possibility that the “Tigre” could take over as national coach again was categorically denied.