Ricardo says he recalculates route at BBB: “I’m nobody’s priority” Splash

Ricardo Alface vented about playing solo on the BBB 23 (Globo) XRay this morning. He said he was not a priority but would continue to pursue strategies to avoid the limelight.

Ricardo: “Next: Top 10. We’ve reached another phase and it complicated things, you know? Wanting to play alone is complicated. I ended up trusting people I shouldn’t trust that I already had my suspicions but that’s it. He [Cezar Black] I ended up giving away part of my game, but I don’t care either way. Everyone has to be voted on.”

Ricardo: “I have to recalculate the route, I recalculate a lot. I’ve already seen that nobody cares about me at Fundo do Mar, but that’s the price you pay for going it alone, for wanting to do things on your own. I have to, I don’t know, add a vote or two to try to escape Paredão by voting, but that was it, now it’s not about being afraid of Paredão, trying to do the right thing to not to do it only to be judged by the wrong people”.

POLL BBB 23: What did Gabriel eliminate Santana?