“Riddled with Bites”: She brings back bed bugs after a movie – TVA Nouvelles

A French film fanatic who used to be a regular visitor to a cinema in Paris’ 7th arrondissement has been dealing with an infestation of bed bugs at home after being repeatedly bitten during a movie, although the venue was good, which is the problem.

“The staff have all confirmed to me that the rooms are infested with bedbugs; they have received several reports. “It made me angry to say that the cinema is aware of the problem and that they are not even closing the rooms,” lamented the 53-year-old customer, according to France Live on “Parisien” on Wednesday.

On August 17, the film lover, who had a subscription to the UGC cinema in Bercy Village in the 7th arrondissement in Paris, reserved a seat in poor condition during her screening of “La Voie Royale,” she told French media.

It was only when she came out that she realized she had been bitten repeatedly by what she thought were fleas. As soon as she got home, she would have thrown her clothes in the washing machine to avoid taking any chances, forgetting to add her cloth bag.

“In the following days I scratched myself with blood and didn’t sleep at night,” she is said to have told “Parisia”.

At the time, she discovered bed bugs on the pillows of her sofa and in her bedroom, and was forced to hire an extermination service for €450 – more than $650 – to eradicate the bugs.

But what does not go through for the fifty-year-old: The employees of the cinema would have confirmed to her that the restaurant was aware of the infestation in its rooms. Nor would he have compensated her for the annihilation treatment and her subscription, which she would rather have canceled and offered him a free movie instead.

“We have received several reports and the affected rooms are being processed”, an employee at “Parisien” would have limited himself to the confirmation.