Rise of the Moonfluencers How pagan moon worship has reached

Rise of the Moonfluencers! How pagan moon worship has reached a new generation of followers thanks to TikTok – and big names like Kate Moss and Holly Willoughby are cashing in on the hype

Kate Moss was once known for both her hard partying and her overwhelming success as a model.

But these days, the ’90s hell-raiser who was known for pulling all-nighters and hanging out with equally tough friends has brought more balance to her life – in a somewhat unexpected way.

Her healthier habits include some little-known activities, including moonbathing and charging her crystals at certain times during the lunar cycle.

And while these activities may sound a little unconventional, they are becoming increasingly popular, thanks in no small part to a growing number of Moon influencers.

These influencers often share their spiritual practices in TikTok videos, where they discuss, among other things, how they celebrate the full moon and which crystals are most effective at warding off negative energy.

TikTokker Liberty Ava Walker is among the growing number of moon influencers sharing information about rituals like moonbathing and crystal charging

TikTokker Liberty Ava Walker is among the growing number of moon influencers sharing information about rituals like moonbathing and crystal charging

And while they may seem like extremely alternative activities, some celebrities like Holly Willoughby and Kate Moss have spoken openly about incorporating such rituals into their lives.

For someone like supermodel Kate, it seems an unlikely direction, one that contradicts many of her previous lifestyle choices.

The 49-year-old, who was born in Croydon, was plucked from obscurity and thrust into the spotlight after being discovered at the tender age of 14.

Since then, she has enjoyed great success with her modeling work and other gigs, including as creative director for Diet Coke.

Now, a few years after swapping north London for the Cotswolds, she is launching a wellness brand Cosmoss, described as “self-care for life’s modern journeys”.

And as part of her own self-care routine, the mother-of-one appears to have incorporated “moon rituals” into her life – including the Ayurvedic practice of moon bathing.

She recently spoke about the moon rituals she has incorporated into her life in a recent interview with the Sunday Times.

In addition to moonbathing, which involves “lying under the light of the moon to absorb lunar energy,” she also charges her crystals during a full moon.

Once-partying supermodel Kate Moss (pictured) has revealed she is interested in a range of spiritual activities, such as charging crystals at specific times during the lunar cycle

Once-partying supermodel Kate Moss (pictured) has revealed she is interested in a range of spiritual activities, such as charging crystals at specific times during the lunar cycle

She explained: “I put all my crystals on a tray and put them outside in the garden. ‘I just cleanse the crystal and charge the crystals.’

The model also revealed that one of her favorite crystals is rose quartz, which represents love and compassion.

Additionally, she likes melanite, which is said to improve physical well-being, including stamina and longevity. She described the stone as “really powerful.”

Interest in the moon is not new, ancient civilizations worshiped it and thought that because it controls the tides and humans are 60 percent water, the moon must also have some control over us.

But this belief, known as the moon effect, is often rejected. However, in recent years more and more people are turning to the power of the moon.

Some people interested in moon rituals use them as a kind of vision board because they believe that the power of the moon can be used to make their wishes come true.

Holly Willoughby (pictured) even has her own wellness brand called Wylde Moon, where she blogs about what she does during the full moon

Holly Willoughby (pictured) even has her own wellness brand called Wylde Moon, where she blogs about what she does during the full moon

The book Luna, published in 2020 and written by Tamara Driessen, deals with such topics.

After burnout and a breakup, Tamara developed an interest in the moon, which led her to spend time in Bali studying shamanic practices.

She has previously said: “When you look at the sky, you see the moon in different stages; There are eight in total.

“It all starts with the new moon, a time when we feel more thoughtful, calmer and less energetic.”

“As more light falls on the moon, our energy begins to build up.” Slowly it reaches the full moon, which represents the peak of our energy.

“Once people start observing the phases of the moon, they can see a pattern.

“They may notice that they often have more stress in their lives during a full moon, and parents often notice that their children are more lively then too.”

TV presenter Holly Willoughby has spoken about how she made the most of the full moon.

After launching her own lifestyle brand Wylde Moon in 2021, she shared a snap and video of herself lighting a candle in the moonlight, wishing readers a “Happy Full Moon” and telling fans how much she pays close attention to the lunar cycle.

In a video, Holly shared how she lights candles around the full moon and incorporates “familiar feelings and energies” into her life for the next lunar cycle.

She said: “Today was a big day at Wylde Moon.” The full moon behind me, a really powerful moon this evening.

“I don’t know about you, I didn’t sleep very well last night, I had all sorts of weird dreams about being in a cave.”

“Today the candle was launched and I thought it would be a nice time to share with you what I do during the full moon.”

“I get my candle, light it and think about all the things that have happened in the last month that I have worked towards and that I am grateful for today.”

TikTokker Vial of Venus (pictured) shared her new moon ritual in a clip on the platform, revealing what she does at this point in the lunar cycle

TikTokker Vial of Venus (pictured) shared her new moon ritual in a clip on the platform, revealing what she does at this point in the lunar cycle

“We’re all going through a strange time right now, so it’s nice to reflect on the positive.”

“When the time feels right, I blow out the candle and let go of all those thoughts and feelings, knowing that with the next lunar cycle I can let new feelings and energies into their lives.”

Another important part of the lunar cycle is the new moon.

TikTokker Liberty Ava Walker, a singer-songwriter with nearly half a million followers on the platform, often shares information about her spiritual practices with her fans.

In a video, she discussed what she does during the new moon and how she uses it as an opportunity to manifest.

At the start of the clip, she reveals that she’s going to tell her mother, “who’s a witch,” “some cool things” she’ll do during the new moon.

She explains that she’s sharing the video a few days before the new moon and says it gives viewers who want to tag it time to prepare and “really think about what you want to manifest in your life.”

She continues: “So everyone is different, but I manifest on the full moon and also on the new moon.” The last full moon was very powerful. So it was actually a pretty good time to manifest, but some people don’t like manifesting during the full moon.

“So the new moon is a really, really good time to manifest what you want in your life. “This new moon is really focused on change and bringing super good positive energy into our lives.”

Liberty then describes what she will do, which is to “make a list of very specific and clear things.” [she wants] manifest themselves [her] Life’.

This, says the singer-songwriter, can be an internal feeling like happiness or happiness or any other feeling.

“You have to write it down in detail as if you already have it,” she says, before continuing to explain the rest of her ritual.

Holly Willoughby (pictured) previously spoke about her full moon ritual and what she likes to do at this point in the lunar cycle

Holly Willoughby (pictured) previously spoke about her full moon ritual and what she likes to do at this point in the lunar cycle

The TV presenter wished her followers a “Happy Full Moon” and showed how important her moon rituals are to her

The TV presenter wished her followers a “Happy Full Moon” and showed how important her moon rituals are to her

In a video clip, Holly revealed how she lights candles around the full moon and allows

In a video clip, Holly revealed how she lights candles around the full moon and allows “new feelings and energies” into her life for the next lunar cycle

“Once I’ve written everything down…I put my crystals in the cleansing water I normally cleanse them in and then pop out the paper [on which] I’ve written it all down… and I’ll put it with the crystals so they can charge at the new moon.

“Then new beginnings in the morning and of course a little dance under the new moon. ‘Just shake off any old energies or anything I want to clear.’

Another TikToker Vial of Venus, who has almost 25,000 followers on the platform, also shared some of the rituals she likes to perform during the new moon.

In her video she explains that the first thing she likes to do is put on a veil. She then goes through a series of steps including cleaning her room.

She continues, “I just like to write down all of my feelings, intentions, and manifestations for the month…I just like to sit and meditate with my crystals.”