Riviere Sainte Anne The fishermens huts are gradually returning

Rivière Sainte-Anne: The fishermen’s huts are gradually returning

On the Sainte-Anne river, practically all work has to be repeated. While several chalets were already installed on the ice, we had to dismantle them a few days later due to the mild weather and rain.

Four of the 18 outfitters were active.

But now the expected cooling off on Thursday gives the outfitters the green light to set up the systems.

In sectors, the ice reached 14 inches thick.

“The posts leaned in the mild weather. Since the wires are heavy, they pull on the post. You have to straighten and straighten the wires,” explained Stéphane Roy of the Grimard Fishing Center.

By the weekend, a hundred chalets should have found their place on the ice and the season should start in mid-January.

A fortnight delay that will certainly have financial implications.

Even the shops around like this cafe and hostel are feeling the delay of the season.

Here we lost about 25% of expected profits in our opinion.

“We’re increasing hours, we’re increasing team, schedules, we’re changing the menu for ‘comfort’ food, something hot. It’s difficult to cope with all that, the losses, until the season has started,” said Yacine Merzouk, co-owner of Café La Tour.

For outfitters, the holiday season accounts for up to 20% of the season.

“The season ends on February 20, so there are still good weekends. Guys it’s important they book because the season will be fast this year it’s an 85th anniversary! recalled the spokesman for the Sainte-Anne River Outfitters Association, Steve Massicotte.

The lucky few who were able to open the season have confirmed that the Chenaux fish is also there.