Road traffic regulations, law against loud cars: If these decibels are exceeded, you face a fine of €1,700 | You need to change it 0 100

Road traffic regulations law against loud cars If these decibelscity ​​traffic

If your car is too loud, you could face severe fines for exceeding the noise limits.

Today’s world is now a world of Changes, complete and continuous, and affecting everything and everyone. The automotive world is not exempt from this and is actually experiencing one of its most shocking and fundamental revolutions: the switch to purely electrical energy.

Cars and their engines are changing before our eyes and, as always with change, it is difficult to accept this. The purists who grew up with engine oil and “mufflers” are certainly not happy about it, However, there are many positive aspects of this revolution – which, let us remember, will definitely arrive from 2035.

An example that is also the main driving force of this electrification is theecological aspect. Climate change can now be observed not only in the studies of scientists, but also in front of everyone: this year alone there have been too many violent and sudden atmospheric events that have destroyed houses and at times cost some people their lives.

But another positive aspect of the transition that is not sufficiently taken into account when addressing the issue is the reversal of a phenomenon that is detrimental and detrimental to the community. In this case too we are talking about a type of pollution, but not due to emissions; Instead, that’s what it’s about Noise pollution.

What is noise pollution?

Noise pollution is a serious problem in some centers caused by some cars and can even cost you a very large fine affecting health 1,700 euros. This is because noise pollution or the overlay of high-intensity sounds and sounds can trigger the problem Disturbance of public peace and the resulting sanction.

The Law on Public Peace, regulated by the Civil Code, sets a guideline value for the decibel threshold that must be adhered to: 5 decibels from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., 3 decibels at night. These are guidelines, as a noise can be considered disturbing or non-disturbing depending on the general context (Time, Place, Persistence and Necessity).

1701175478 794 Road traffic regulations law against loud cars If these decibelsThe horn should only be used when really necessary

What risks do you risk with a loud car?

Older cars tend to make more noise and also consume more fuel, especially if they are neglected and necessary maintenance is not carried out. If the car is loud enough to cause third party complaints, you risk getting one Fine between 42 and 173 euros.

The question of who gets through is completely different Modifications and improvements, intentionally makes your car loud. This manipulation is carried out on the silencer and creates an extremely greater noise than a normal car. The risks in this case are more serious: Fine from 430 euros to 1,731 euros and withdrawal of the registration certificate. In the context of public peace, it is important to use common sense and also think about the people around us.

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