Robbie Williams is 49 years old quotbrokenquothis physical concern quotI

Robbie Williams is 49 years old "broken"his physical concern: "I have body dysmorphia and low self esteem."

At age 49, a life of excess is taking its toll on Robin Williams. The British singer himself describes it like this: “The reality is that I’m fucking devastated by what I did to myself in the ’90s and part of the 2000s.”

In an interview with English media The Sun, the famous singer admitted that he feels mentally and physically exhausted by the self-indulgent lifestyle he led for more than a decade.

“The hair is thinning, the testosterone is out of the building, the serotonin is gone and the dopamine left a long time ago. I’ve exhausted all the good natural things,” he said.

Facing criticism over his thinness, the former lead singer of the group Take That pointed out that the comments did not harm him, but he gave his version of the situation he is going through.

“Given that I suffer from body dysmorphia and low self-esteem, the fact that I wasn’t hurt shows how far I’ve come. That or the shame of being thin feels better than the shame of being fat. “Yeah, now that I think about it, it probably is,” Robbie Williams’ profile reads.

On November 8th, Netflix will premiere the documentary series “Robbie Williams”, honoring the career of the British singer who has conquered thousands of people around the world with his music and also with his personality.

Williams rose to fame in the 1990s with the group Take That, but also had great success as a solo artist.

In recent months, the artist has been the main star of the “XXV Tour 2023” tour, with which he is celebrating his 25th career anniversary.