Roberto Jefferson Detonates Jair Bolsonaro es

Roberto Jefferson Detonates Jair Bolsonaro es

From prison, Roberto Jefferson hasn’t spared Jair Bolsonaro from heavy criticism for the stance he took after the election loss to Lula

03/15/2023 06:00 AM, updated on 03/15/2023 03:46 AM

From prison in Bangu 8 in Rio, Roberto Jefferson did not protect Jair Bolsonaro from severe criticism. He told people he has lived with in prison that the captain jumped out of the boat in the middle of the storm. An indication that the thenpresident left protesters without leadership to Lula after the defeat.

According to Jefferson’s reasoning, arrests could have been avoided if Bolsonaro had been clear about his intentions. The criticism stems from the dubious attitude of the Bolsonaro family after the second round. In early December, Flávio claimed that a coup had never been considered. The thenpresident told Alvorada’s door that it was up to the protesters to “decide where the armed forces go”.

The same criticism of Bolsonaro was voiced in a softer tone by Carla Zambelli in an interview with Folha de S. Paulo.

Roberto Jefferson also detonated Bolsonaro for the trip to the US after the defeat. For the leader, the captain won’t be able to get up after so many wrong moves. And worse, it would be on its way to shipwreck.

1/7Roberto Jefferson enters Bangu Prison 8 ▲Roberto Jefferson, Father Kelmon and the policeman who negotiated the surrender ▲Roberto Jefferson has been imprisoned since October last year ▲Roberto Jefferson wears the SEAP uniform ▲Roberto Jefferson, former ally of Jair Bolsonaro ▲1234567

In addition to a scenario analysis, Roberto Jefferson has plenty of reason to criticize Bolsonaro. After the episode in which he injured federal police officers, the leader was dubbed a “bandit” by the thenPresident. Bolsonaro, in turn, still attributes his defeat to the disastrous effects caused by the former ally’s behavior.

Incidentally, Jefferson’s stance in Bangu 8 contrasts with the one he took towards the police in responding to the arrest. In prison, the leader has shown himself to be respectful and polite to prison officials.