Roberto Vecchioni his son Arrigo who died at 36 and

Roberto Vecchioni, his son Arrigo who died at 36 and the drama of the youngest patient with multiple sclerosis

“My life without children would have been a desert”, has always declared Roberto Vecchioni, father of 4 great boys, who turns 80 on June 25th and who throughout his long career has always filled his songs and his writings with devotional thoughts Children and young people in general who should be trusted and always given a second chance. “Children need to be told that life is open and great and that even in moments of pain, life requires a moment of revenge,” he said. And life has given the singer an enormous moment of pain, who announced the death of his son Arrigo yesterday with a touching post on social media, who died at the age of only 36: “After so much pain, our wonderful Arrigo is finally in Peace. The family asks for calm ». There is no information about Arrigo’s illness.

Who was Arrigo?

Arrigo Vecchioni was the third of the singer-songwriter’s four children, the second by his now-wife Daria Colombo, who yesterday colored his Facebook profile picture completely black as a sign of sorrow. Arrigo was also passionate about writing. He wrote the collection of poems The Paradise of Geniuses, which traces the history of characters who have made history for their genius. He was the author of the play “Il Paese di Notte di Notte”, an absurd comedy in 3 acts between dream and reality. Together with the illustrator and cartoonist Alessandro Ambrosoni he had created the comic book collection “Beach Boys” set in Africa and in 2014 he took part with his father at the Festival delle Generazioni in Florence, an event that compares young and old through music, conferences and Readings On stage he read some of his writings under Roberto’s eyes.

The first marriage and betrayal

From his first marriage to Irene Brozzi, Vecchioni had the eldest daughter, Francesca Vecchioni. But within a few years, something in the relationship broke down. “We were in Florence,” Vecchioni told Corriere, and my ex-wife left me to go to her lover’s hotel. I guessed it, I asked him. I looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize myself, I thought it was all wrong. Over time I realized that love never ends. It is only incarnated by another face». After discovering the betrayal, the couple separated, but the affection endured over time.

The meeting with Daria Colombo

In 1981 Vecchioni remarried Daria Colombo, writer and activist, with whom he has three more children: Carolina, Arrigo and Edoardo. In 2011, the singer made her an intense declaration of love on the stage of Sanremo: “I have never felt alone, because for thirty years a thread has linked me to you”.

Daughter Francesca came out

«Francesca was 15 years old when she came to me scared and whispered: “Dad, I have to tell you something” – Vecchioni always told Corriere – I asked her: Do you take drugs? Have you fallen in love with a murderer? NO? So vaf… you hit me.” I always knew, and I never paid attention. Thirty years ago, I was a precursor. I believe love is universal and everyone can make their own choices.” Francesca Vecchioni appeared on the cover of the weekly newspaper Oggi in 2012 with her then partner Alessandra Brogno and twin girls Nina and Cloe born through heterologous insemination and later founded the non-profit organization Diversity and fights for gay rights “I took Francesca to Amsterdam three times for assisted reproduction accompanied – said the singer-songwriter – in the end came two little girls who are now 9 years old, I know that she did it for me because she wanted me to be a grandfather Carolina also had two daughters».

Arrigo Vecchioni, the son of singer Roberto Vecchioni, who died at the age of 36. From his brother’s illness to writing, the portrait

His son Edoardo and multiple sclerosis

From the youngest son, Edoardo, born in 1992, a graduate of the Luchino Visconti Civic School of Cinema and specialized in multimedia writing, we know the disease multiple sclerosis, which he also talked about in his debut novel “Sclero. The game” decided the emperor”, published two years ago. A degenerative disease that he continues to fight. In 2007 he dedicated the song “Le rose blu” to Edoardo Vecchioni: “And I will give you every sunrise, every sunset. His face then. The stillness of the evening. And my father comes back».

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