Robot army to defeat Russia and Ukraine with drones and

Robot army to defeat Russia and Ukraine with drones and autonomous weapons. But there are doubts

Robotic weapons to limit damage and hit targets safely. This could be the next step in the war in Ukraine. Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine’s digital transformation minister, has already argued that fully autonomous weapons are the “next logical and inevitable step” of war, recently saying soldiers could see them on the battlefield in the next six months.

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Proponents of fully autonomous weapons systems, reports The Conversation, the information and analysis network, say the technology keeps soldiers out of harm’s way and off the battlefield. In addition, weapons of this type will enable military decision-making at superhuman speeds, enabling radically faster defense capabilities. Currently, semi-autonomous weapons such as B. loitering munitions that track and detonate on targets, a human monitoring the operation. They can recommend actions, but they are the operators who start them.