Rodeo I What does the converted Venezuelan prison where 30

Rodeo I: What does the converted Venezuelan prison where 30 political prisoners were transferred look like?

The recent transformation of Rodeo I, a notorious prison in Venezuela, has once again drawn international attention following the transfer of 30 political prisoners, including military and civilians. According to reports from human rights organizations, the move signals a continuation of the government's practice of suppressing the opposition through detention in questionable conditions. The prison, widely criticized for its infrastructure and treatment of inmates, is at the center of a debate about justice and human rights in the country.

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What is Rodeo I prison like in Venezuela?

Located in the state of Miranda, Rodeo I is part of a prison complex known for its harsh living conditions. Recent renovations were intended to improve facilities, but reports suggest structural and safety issues remain. The often overcrowded cells lack adequate ventilation and regular access to drinking water, increasing health risks for detainees. Human rights organizations continue to denounce the excessive use of force and lack of medical care as endemic problems in the center.

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Why were political prisoners recently transferred to Rodeo I?

The transfer of political prisoners to Rodeo I is part of a broader strategy by the Venezuelan government to silence and punish dissent. The decision to move these individuals, many of whom are prominent critics of the Nicolás Maduro regime, from previous detention centers to this high-security prison indicates an attempt to isolate them and subject them to even harsher conditions. This act was interpreted as a measure to intimidate the opposition and deter future criticism of the government.

Rodeo I What does the converted Venezuelan prison where 30The NGO Foro Penal was the one that filed the complaint. Photo: X/ForoPenal

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Who are the political prisoners transferred to Rodeo I?

Those transferred to Rodeo I include well-known opposition figures such as Lieutenant Colonel Igbert Marín Chaparro and Brigadier General Héctor Hernández Dacosta. These individuals, imprisoned on various charges of conspiracy and rebellion, represent just a fraction of the more than 200 political prisoners in Venezuela. Their cases, marked by allegations of unfair trials and a lack of evidence, highlight the government's repressive policies against all forms political opposition.

What are the most dangerous prisons in Venezuela?

Venezuela's most dangerous prisons reportedly include Tocorón, Tocuyito, Fénix, Uribana and El Dorado. These prisons are characterized by extremely violent situations, overcrowding and unsanitary conditions that seriously endanger the health and lives of inmates. In particular, Tocorón Prison, known for its high inmate population and difficult living conditions, has been highlighted as one of the most violent prisons, although the number of such cases has reportedly declined.

1708753190 42 Rodeo I What does the converted Venezuelan prison where 30In 2023, an intervention was carried out in Tocorón Prison. Photo: NTN24

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