Romeo or Veronica Find out who Erico is with at

Romeo or Veronica? Find out who Érico is with at the end of Amor Perfeito TV

Érico (Carmo Dalla Vecchia) will have to make a difficult decision in the final chapters of Amor Perfeito. After meeting Romeu (Domingos Alcântara), the lawyer gets the chance to resume the romance destroyed by Gilda (Mariana Ximenes). However, he will end up alongside Verônica (Ana Cecília Costa) in Globo’s six o’clock soap opera.

The manager traveled to Rio de Janeiro to find an investor for his cinema in the series by Duca Rachid and Júlio Fischer. His jaw dropped when he learned that his exboyfriend had given up his artistic career after suffering a homophobic attack.

Domingos Alcântara’s character suffered serious injuries to his hands after being beaten in Cinelândia, central Rio de Janeiro. He then started working as a waiter in a small restaurant to pay the bills.

“My hands are now only suitable for waiting tables and collecting tips from the few generous guests,” Romeu will complain during a conversation alone with Érico.

The former musician will still be surprised when he finds out that his former partner is now married to a woman and even has a daughter. “I never thought it would be possible to feel a love as great as the one I feel for my little one,” admits Júlio’s stepfather (Daniel Rangel).

“IM very happy for you. With all my heart. When we truly love someone, we rejoice in the other’s happiness,” Romeo will comment, who will open his heart:

I still love you, Erico. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about you. I keep dreaming and imagining the life we ​​could have had together, but that fell by the wayside. Be honest with me: you never think about this?

Who does Érico live with in Amor Perfeito?

Érico won’t give Romeo the slightest hope. “I have made a choice, and if we choose one path, we inevitably have to give up other options,” the lawyer will say, going even further:

You will always be important to me and will always be a part of my life, but our story is in the past. I could never forget you and what we experienced together, but my heart belongs to Veronica today.

The final chapter of Amor Perfeito will air this Friday (22). The soap opera will be replaced at six o’clock by the new film of Elas por Elas.

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