1709020649 Romina Power avoids wide and long tunics here she wears

Romina Power avoids wide and long tunics: here she wears jeans and a tight T shirt

Romina Power appears in an unreleased version. No more long, oversized dresses, now let your full beauty shine through

Romina Power, singer, actress and entertainment personality, is one of the most famous women to have achieved success in Italy but also abroad. Born in Los Angeles in 1951 and grew up in the cinematographic environment thanks to his parents' work.

After living in Mexico for a while, he moved to Italy with his mother at the age of 9, where he achieved unprecedented success. In 1967 he met for the first time Albano Carrisi in the cast of the musical “In the sun“, taken from the song of the same name by the Apulian singer-songwriter.

From that moment on, a fruitful artistic collaboration arose between the two artists, which soon turned into a magical love story. For years they remained the undisputed protagonists of the music scenes and the whole nation was enthusiastic about the Carrisi family.

Among the masterpieces they still produce today unique and inimitable we remember “Felicità”, “Nostalgia Canaglia”, “Ci will be” and many others. They shared their professional and personal lives for about 30 years before officially getting divorced in 2012.

Romina Power, grandmother version: “It excites me.”

Romina Power had one great love throughout her life, Albano Carrisi. The two were bonded for about 30 years and gave birth to each other 4 children: Ylenia, Yari, Cristel and Romina Jr. The former spouses had to cope with the loss of their firstborn, who mysteriously disappeared on New Year's Eve in New Orleans between 1993 and 1994.

With great effort, Romina and Albano managed to move forward, and even when their marital relationship came to an end, they were always united for love of their children. Today Romina has become Grandmother for the fourth time and during an interview with Verissimo he admitted: “My daughter tells me a lot, it touches me even more because she is the youngest. The fact that she is pregnant It really excites me. For me, motherhood has always come first.

Romina PowerRomina Power, an unexpected look – Trendsediviaggio.it

Romina Power, no more oversized tunics

Romina Power made Italy dream with her love affair with Albano. Their professional collaboration will be remembered by all supporters who accompanied the duo to success. The most attentive fans have noticed that the beautiful Italian-American singer appears in public wearing one very precise look and above all, recognizable.

Romina's special quality is actually exactly hers oversized clothing like tunics, wide pants and kaftans. Her style was not always like this, because at the time of her debut, which took place in the 1980s, the singer showed herself as an artist tight-fitting clothing Thanks to this, he was able to flaunt his perfect physical shape. The reason for this drastic change is partly due to a knee problem that prevents her from wearing uncomfortable shoes, but the main reason is this Buddhist culture which inspired Romina and allows her to forego everything superfluous.

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