1683970957 Romy and Norah Carpentiers mother My faith in the system

Romy and Norah Carpentier’s mother: ‘My faith in the system is null and void’

The police don’t seem to have given the disappearance of my children the importance it deserves. My faith in the system has been destroyed. “I think my family was let down because I spoke the truth about what I knew about Martin in relation to his daughters,” said Amélie Lemieux.

The mother of the two girls notes that several elements thwarted the search’s chances of success [sa] family alive.

Amélie Lemieux takes part in the public inquiry into the deaths of her daughters Norah and Romy.

Amélie Lemieux at the Quebec Courthouse

Photo: Radio Canada / Sylvain Roy Roussel

She criticizes the work of the authorities in this case, citing communication problems at all levels, working in silos, understaffing, wasting time in connection with the duplication of investigators and managers not doing the right thing, decisions were made in a timely manner, although clear guidelines were available, and officers were not properly trained.

Amélie Lemieux said she learned during the hearings that several structures, methods and processes within the police force had changed since her daughters’ deaths.

Why didn’t Norah and Romy have the right to this chance? She asks.

She criticizes the authorities’ slowness in launching search operations on the evening of the accident.

Children aged 6 and 11 who are not in bed at this time, have been the victims of a car accident, may be injured and cannot be found, this is not normal.

“The urgency was there at the event, not 16-18 hours later. »

– A quote from Amélie Lemieux, mother of Norah and Romy Carpentier

Two smiling little girls are sitting at a counter preparing to eat a donut that is in front of them.

Norah was 11 and Romy was 6 when they disappeared with her father, Martin Carpentier. (archive photo)

Photo: Lemieux family

Norah and Romy

At the beginning of the statement, Amélie Lemieux wanted to talk about her daughters. I’ve heard more than forty people talk about the Carpentier “case” or “affair.” […] My girls are not just a folder, they are two beautiful little girls.

She spoke of Norah as a vivacious, sensitive, and animal-loving young girl who wanted to be a video game designer.

Photos of two little girls in black and white.

Despite their absence, little Norah and Romy are still very present with their mother, Amélie Lemieux. (archive photo)

Photo: Radio Canada / Marie-Pier Bouchard

And Romy, the good mood incarnate, with heart in hand, sensitive and pure, who wanted to be a mom, a mom like me, she said.

I was robbed of our future

Amélie Lemieux affirms that this drama has shaken her life and left her with deep wounds.

” [J’ai] I have great difficulty being around children, I seek my daughters and withdraw into myself. »

– A quote from Amélie Lemieux, mother of Norah and Romy Carpentier.

Ms Lemieux says she has installed an alarm system in her house and three smoke detectors connected to the control panel. Losing her toys, clothes, drawings, handicrafts, the thought of being robbed is unbearable for me, she says.

The public hearings into the deaths of Norah, Romy and Martin Carpentier ended on Friday. After hearing about fifty witnesses, coroner Luc Malouin was due to present his report next fall.