Roncato on the end of his marriage to Stefania Orlando

Roncato on the end of his marriage to Stefania Orlando: “He had someone else" (and reveals the name)

Andrea Roncato, 75, was one of the undisputed icons of the golden eighties and nineties. The Romagna actor spoke about himself in a long interview with Corriere della Sera, in which he traced the stages of his career, and also spoke about his past as “Vitellone from Romagna”.

The relationship with Moana Pozzi

In addition to describing his beginnings, Roncato’s past as a Latin lover took up a lot of space in the interview with the newspaper. The TV face has never hidden his passion for women and even boasts that he has had over 500 lovers. Confirmation, which he is now withdrawing: “Nonsense, I never said that. And then women are not counted”. Among these, however, was Moana Pozzi, who gave Roncato a full 7 in her famous book dedicated to famous lovers, speaking of “a beautiful story of sex”. The 75-year-old has returned to that connection: “And I’ll always be grateful to you, it’s like the rector’s academic hug. We were together for six months in 1985, she wasn’t a porn star yet, I had met her on the set of Firefighters. Besides being beautiful, she was intelligent and deep, knowing how to talk about everything from football to philosophy.

celebrity girlfriends

In addition to sex stories, Roncato’s love curriculum included important relationships, such as with his colleague Elena Sofia Ricci. Relationship that ended precisely because of the Romagna temperament: “We were engaged for a year. I was in love but too naughty… in the end they all sent me to this country”. In addition to Elena Sofia Ricci, Carol Alt, with whom Roncato had: “A flirt,” he says.

The end of the marriage with Stefania Orlando

Then the marriage to Stefania Orlando in 1999, which only lasted two years. Roncato does not say flattering words to his ex-wife, who is about to divorce again: “The lady is gone, it happens. I said at the time it was my fault that I went out too much at night, that I went to the wrong companies where the cocaine was shot. Then they wrote that I ended up in the drug tunnel, whenever it was a period, then it was over, I don’t drink alcohol, only half a glass of Lambrusco,” asserts the actor, who then reveals the real reason The relationship is over: ” Stefania had one more, Paolo Macedonio, period. In this story I don’t see any saints or heroes, I was hurt, yes, but not that much either”.

The 75-year-old says of the betrayal: “He’s cheating on someone, he’s a circle, the conqueror is also a cuckold and the horns must be carried with heads held high. You don’t die for love only if you don’t find love to live for.”

a new love

And Roncato found it, it’s Nicole Moscariello, to whom the actor married in 2017. “He understands me, he takes me for who I am, strengths and weaknesses, I don’t need to delete messages from my phone, that’s life Playboy in effects sucks.” Collecting angry women, cars and watches is for insecure, poor people.”