Rosanna Lambertucci tests herself on the dance floor of Dancing with the Stars. Because Milly Carlucci couldn’t make her dream come true.
At 77 years old, Rosanna Lambertucci has decided to test herself on the most famous dance floor of Italian television. On July 7, Lambertucci married her boyfriend Mario Di Cosmo after an eight-year engagement. But in order to be able to take part in the Rai1 television broadcast, he had to make an important sacrifice.
Rosanna Lambertucci on Dancing with the Stars – (AnsaFoto)
Believing in love even at 70 years old, that’s all Life lesson that Lambertucci tries to convey with participation in the Rai program moderated by Milly Carlucci. Not only. You too can join in and don’t be afraid of it Face new challenges despite your age.
However, as we know, every decision comes with a sacrifice, and the sacrifice that Rosanna had to “make” is really important. But she reassures everyone with her optimism: “We just postponed it.”
Rosanna Lambertucci and Dancing with the Stars: Pursue a dream at all costs
After the wedding, Rosanna and Mario, me two newlywedsThey were supposed to go on a wonderful honeymoon, but they decided to postpone so as not to miss the Dancing with the Stars train. This is an opportunity and a challenge that Lambertucci simply refused to give up.
Rosanna Lambertucci – (AnsaFoto) –
But the new bride reassures everyone: “Now I really can’t move because of this TV commitment, but as soon as we can, we’ll go on a great cruise to the Caribbean.”
How will she experience this forced distance from her husband? Lambertucci makes it clear that she is facing this moment with great calm. After all, his Mario is the first supporter and is also very patient: “He accepts my absence, my absence, my tiredness or my distraction don’t bother him.”
He then concludes by explaining the reason for choosing DadJoin the Rai 1 show for the second time. On this occasion, Rosanna refers to something that is rarely talked about: the feeling of insecurity and inadequacy that comes at a certain age.
“I wanted to overcome a number of fears, such as the feeling of inadequacy that arises in each of us over the years. If I had rejected Milly’s suggestion, it would have been like accepting those fears. I threw myself into it and it will go the way it will go.” Furthermore, Lambertucci makes it clear that she is not afraid of the judges and their verdicts. “Anyone who takes part in a competition must accept the judgments.”