1668866969 Rosaries and anti abortion slogans Latin Americas far right is looking

Rosaries and anti-abortion slogans: Latin America’s far right is looking for leaders who align with their values

The far-right congress began this Friday with a counter-demonstration by a handful of anti-capitalists chanting outside the doors of the Westin hotel in Mexico – “because the struggle is joy” – and proclaiming their slogans, and ended at the same roundabout with a parade of large trucks , from which decorated people came down for the donor meal, at a cost of 5,000 pesos a head. In between 10 hours of uninterrupted conferences by leaders and activists convened by the Conservative Action Political Conference (Cpac). Tall, short, fat and thin, blond and dark, there was no pattern except that the majority were white and above-average fertility: the traditional family and the more children the better repeated slogans.

In the morning, Polish Nobel laureate Lech Walesa mentioned Fidel Castro to assure the audience that his speech would be much shorter. In the evening, Eduardo Bolsonaro ended the day with the same words. Bolsonaro was showered with applause, but he did not surpass the protagonists, God and the Virgin of Guadalupe, who were much quoted and applauded more. The Congress had an emphatic Catholic tone, there were Christian publishers and lawyers, posts calling for the sanctification of priests, associations helping pregnant women and protecting them from abortion, virgins as cell phone screens, a stand for the works of Anacleto González Flores … Woman’s Mission is the title of one of her books. And what is this mission? The man at the stand explains: “Education, because women have the gift of tenderness, beauty and love.” And not the man? “Yes, of course, but the man excels in strength and intelligence.”

It was at this meeting, also attended by Steve Bannon, José Antonio Kast, Christopher Landau and Santiago Abascal, Ted Cruz and Javier Milei, among other world ultraconservatives, who are still expected on Saturday to expose the wickedness of the left and what can what the far right are doing to surpass their only right wing comrades and seize power in the various governments. The Spaniard Juan Ángel Soto named an advantage for this company: “We have such superior values, we defend the good and the beautiful, there is nothing better, we have to get married and have children. There’s nothing better”. He was hailed at a summit that many described as a “historic moment”.

Another thing that some speakers agreed on is the illegitimacy of governments. From left governments: Lula’s victory in Brazil is illegitimate; the Spanish government is illegitimate, the US elections are illegitimate. Electronic voting is largely to blame for this. Eduardo Bolsonaro, the big star of the day, already said it: “I can say it, yes, because they elected me with an electronic vote.”

Eduardo Bolsonaro with Eduardo Verástegui, during the conference.Eduardo Bolsonaro with Eduardo Verástegui, during the Mónica González Islas Conference

Star, star was also Eduardo Verastegui, former actor and now president of CPAC Mexico, who put his heart and soul into fighting the trafficking of boys and girls for sexual exploitation and eventual organ sales. Verastegui was hailed with a classic shout: “President, President.” Bolsonaro Jr. also mentioned it: “Here is the future President of Mexico who is not only intelligent but also handsome.” In other words, gifts from husband and wife. But Verastegui does not yet have a political party, although he reiterated that it is time to think about it, in order to get out of the “orphanage” in which the true right in Mexico finds itself. That said.

Verastegui himself, also President of Viva México, was the one who invited the Servants of the Word, Missionary Sisters, and 13 of them signed up. They share a credo: gospel and freedom, “because they attack religious freedom in Mexico,” said Yesslia Hernández Pérez. And what does that mean? “Well, there are initiatives that ban births, for example.” But how is that supposed to work when President López Obrador is very religious and constantly invokes Christ and the Virgin of Guadalupe? “I don’t see anything religious in it, it’s just a way of using religion, a political strategy. It mixes the feelings of Mexicans who are sensitive to the faith,” Sister Mónica Ortiz supported Cid from under her dark mask. The nuns of the word also feel orphaned as leaders: “Well, Margarita Zavala, Calderón’s wife, she promotes values ​​of religious freedom,” says Sor Hernández Pérez.

Leaders, that’s what the ultraconservatives who make up at this convention say. But the booth, which read “Mexican Leaders” sign, was empty for half a day. Then they set up a table and two chairs. Two men sat there, leaving behind their work gear, a television camera, and other supplies. Are you the Mexican guides? “No, no, but we’d like to be,” they joked.

Attendees at the big conference feel haunted by the laws and policies of left-wing governments and helpless in the face of little protection from the right-wing as they seize power. They don’t see their Christian values ​​being taken into account. They also complain about being accused of being racist, xenophobic, homophobic, classist and fascist. Bolsonaro joked: “Okay, but people don’t want to pay taxes, do they?” Well, there’s the thing, he came to say. Democrats? he also wondered. Who are the Democrats once they’ve been banned from social media? “How many of you have been blocked from social media?” asked one of the speakers on the platform. And several hands waved in the air.

A recurring theme was the chaos that the far right finds in the human body: men who claim to be women or vice versa, who go to school with an established gender and return home fluent, who “start families with two dogs and four kittens “, which “marry a plant”. All in the Lord’s new vineyard. Miklos Lukacs, an expert in philosophy and bioethics, offered a whole catalog of these new experiments with which “man plays God”. And with photos included. “This isn’t a penis anymore, this is a vagina that has lost its moisture, this penis is no good for anything anymore,” she said, wringing her hands disturbingly. “Others mutilate their ears, mutilate their noses, there is no more respect for bodily integrity,” in this drift of humanity toward “hedonistic utilitarianism.”

The anti-capitalists of the morning took on a different philosophy: “The struggle is joy.”

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