US government disappointed by OPEC decision on oil production Boerse

ROUNDUP: US government disappointed by OPEC+ decision on oil production Boerse

WASHINGTON (dpa-AFX) – The US government has described the OPEC+ oil alliance’s decision to reduce oil production as “shortsighted” and a “mistake”. US President Joe Biden was disappointed by this, Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan and White House National Economic Council director Brian Deese said on Wednesday. At a time when maintaining the global energy supply is of paramount importance, this decision will have a particularly negative impact on low- and middle-income countries.

White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre called the oil production cut “wrong” and a “mistake”. The oil alliance made a decision that only served its own interests. “It is clear that with today’s announcement, OPEC+ is an ally of Russia,” said Jean-Pierre.

Given the planned supply shortages, Biden also wants to consult with Congress on additional tools and powers to loosen OPEC’s grip on energy prices, he said. More recently, US gasoline prices have fallen back a bit. For Biden’s Democrats, this was especially important just before Congressional elections in November. High inflation in the country particularly affected the US president’s party in polls./nau/DP/stw

AXC0297 2022-10-05/19:23

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