Journalist Ana Paula Renault, who attended the 16th edition of Big Brother Brasil (Globo), opined that Key Alves changed their behavior on BBB 23 after their friend Gustavo was eliminated.
For her, the sister may be afraid of being eliminated as she was nominated for the eighth wall by MC Guimê after her brother answered the Big Fone.
“She finally realized that Gustavo was eliminated and recalculated the route and tried to sell herself as the excluded from the house,” he said.
According to the former BBB, who is also a commentator splash showthe entertainment of the program will weaken if the volleyball player is eliminated.
“Leaving Gustavo was a loss and if Key leaves it will be another loss. Nicácio has also left and the protagonists are leaving. Only the plants remain and we know that this is not the reality,” he added.
MC Guimê’s ego can hinder his game at BBB 23
MC Guimê has been dubbed BBB 23’s great player by the public, but the brother has to be careful with his steps in the program. That’s what Dieguinho Schueng rated.
“Guimê, like other contestants, has to be careful with ego not to make mistakes. I recognize that this season’s contestants, when they start getting it right, are dominated by ego. Ego leads the person to overconfidence and that happened to Fred Nicácio,” he said.
The funk singer caught the eye for answering Big Fone twice. In the first, during Turbo Week, Guimê won the Supreme Power and nominated Gustavo for the sixth wall, resulting in Farmer’s elimination.
The second time around, Lexa’s husband nominated his antagonists, Key Alves and Cezar Black, for the hot seat. One of them will still have a chance to save himself in the coming days.
Cara de Sapato still hasn’t revealed where he wants to go with BBB 23
Cara de Sapato won a huge crowd on social media, but not everyone understood the game of the jiujitsu fighter on BBB 23 just yet.
Former BBB 16 Ana Paula Renault said that Sapato’s strategies are not clear, but it has already become clear that he is approaching those who appear to be strong, as is currently the case with MC Guimê.
“It’s clear that he used Amanda as a crutch. He plays and it’s not a foul game, but it’s a game where he cheats on who he thinks is strong and he hurts himself in the process,” he analyzed.
Dieguinho Schueng added that Sapato has no goals in the game.
“Sapato’s game is very bad and nobody cares. In almost two months of the program he hasn’t shown any game strategy or where he wants to go. It’s an easy game,” he noted.
O splash show Special on the BBB with Franklin David and commentary by Ana Paula Renault airs live here on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays syringes.
Where to watch: YouTube by Splash, Facebook, Twitter and UOL’s homepage.
When to see: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays, around 11:30 p.m.
Check out the full program: