1688120425 RTVE deletes Ines Hernands political plea for a progressive government

RTVE deletes Inés Hernand’s political plea for “a progressive government” from its platform

RTVE deletes Ines Hernands political plea for a progressive government

Presenter Inés Hernand’s new controversy with RTVE, after protesting the difference in salary compared to the other presenters of Benidorm Fest, goes through a commentary broadcast live this Wednesday on the special Gen Playz dedicated to LGTBI+ Pride.

“I have to say that the good guys always win. Although the violence is structural, I have no doubts about the victory of a progressive government in the next general elections,” said the RTVE youth program host from Plaza de Callao in Madrid.

His comment was in reference to the giant Vox screen that was set up in the city center last week, on which he proposes throwing out feminism, the LGTBI+ collective and the 2030 Agenda.

Hernand’s gesture became one of the most talked about topics on social networks and the company commented shortly afterwards, on Thursday afternoon, through the same channel, through its official Twitter account dedicated to the Communication and Participation section. “RTVE orders the removal of the ‘Gen Playz XL’ special on Pride after the live broadcast. A statement not foreseen in the production company’s script could compromise their commitment to neutrality, despite the fact that it is an entertainment show,” he commented in his digital statement.

From that moment on, all content no longer appeared in the extensive catalog of RTVE Play on the Internet. In it, Hernand also defended that “we must speak frankly and stop wavering.” During a gathering he moderated, which was attended by journalist Valeria Vegas, content creator Carla Flila, singer Sharonne and activist Rubén Avilés.

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