Rubiales still doesnt know whats happening

Rubiales still doesn’t know what’s happening

Spanish Football Federation President Luis Rubiales grabbed the head of Jenni Hermoso, one of the team’s footballers, in the middle of a World Cup party and kissed her on the lips. The news is spectacular in its impressive context and deserves careful consideration.

A women’s soccer World Cup is not only a sporting competition but also a political event full of sensitive demands that when you tell someone that the team’s top president kissed one of his players on the mouth without permission, you think it’s a bad joke by Benny Hill . But the little joke carried away the sporting impact of a historic victory; a man off the field and crazy, nonstop kissing and grabbing his crotch as an undeniably masculine sign of victory and stealing the cameras of many women who won inside. And here we are, another century.

It goes without saying that Rubiales, on his first appearance on the COPE network, insulted everyone who had messed with him, to the laughter of his interviewers, who were even more lost than he was. They are the testimonies of a person who feels misunderstood and misunderstood by some supposedly marginalized groups who don’t know what the world is about because he is powerful, because he gives out perks, because he surrounds himself and himself allowed to be In interviews with people who like him, he believes that those who go in the opposite direction are the others. But the women’s sport continues to have a political spirit that the male does not have because he is the established and hegemonic power; Any political unrest in the former, like that of Rubiales, must have corresponding political consequences, such as his sudden dismissal. It’s a football team, not a traveling circus, to immortalize exactly what it’s about.

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The real problem is that Rubiales has no idea he did anything wrong. Rubiales didn’t know he had done anything wrong minutes later when he went into the dressing room and joked that he was going to marry Jenni Hermoso, still at night when he said that those who criticized him were idiots, let alone, when he released a video today apologizing. At that point, I had absolutely no idea: not why it’s wrong to kiss a woman on the mouth when you feel like it, or why I apologized for it.

And this is at the root of so many problems related to abuse: how do you act when you realize that the other person can be disposed of in a celebratory fashion, and justify it with euphoria, knowing—especially knowing—that you associated with this person? a bond that requires awkward pleasantries. The problem is not so much doing something wrong as not knowing when to do it. The first is your own fault; the second, from a moral universe built up in minute detail over time that made Rubiales believe that this is not wrong, that this is natural, that anyone who is offended has a problem with joy or love.

They are the ones who take iron away or directly applaud Rubiales, clinging to customs that include the euphoric disposal of someone’s body as long as it is subordinate and of the weaker sex, something beautiful even if it is within the framework of a celebration happens; Bosses have never been seen kissing them on the mouth, even after they’ve been fired. I’m afraid we won’t know either if it would still be okay for this man to kiss his daughters on the mouth without permission. However, it can be assumed that everyone who describes themselves as feminists because they have daughters and a mother only does sports in their presence.

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