Rumors about the resignation of three ministers against Netanyahu. Iran threatens Israel: “We will attack the city of Haifa”

Hamas, 436 dead from Israeli attacks in the last 24 hours in the Gaza Strip

The Gaza Strip Health Ministry said 436 people, including 182 minors, were killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip in the last 24 hours. CNN reports on it. Most of those killed were from the southern Gaza Strip, the ministry added. According to Palestinian authorities, the total number of deaths since the start of the war has risen to 5,087, including 2,055 children and 1,119 women, and more than 15,000 people have been injured.

Israeli soldiers train for ground operations

Israeli army soldiers, both active and recalled, are conducting a “series of exercises to increase capabilities for ground operations in Gaza.” This was announced by the military spokesman, explaining that “combat teams are being trained that combine infantry troops, tank corps and other units in a number of different war scenarios.”

The draft EU summit: “Support for the humanitarian pause”

“The European Council supports UN Secretary-General Guterres’ call for a humanitarian pause to allow safe humanitarian access and assistance to those in need.” This is what we read in the chapter on the Middle East in the third draft conclusions of the Summit of 27, which will take place in Brussels on Thursday and Friday. The draft will be discussed again by the permanent representatives of the 27 at Coreper this afternoon and at the informal meeting on Wednesday morning. “The EU will work closely with regional partners to protect civilians,” the text continues.

Israel intercepts one Hezbollah and two Hamas drones

Israel almost simultaneously intercepted a Hezbollah drone arriving from Lebanon and two Hamas drones launched from Gaza. The military radio reported it. The first drone was shot down by a Patriot battery near Acre (St. John of Acre) after flying over a stretch of sea. The two Hamas drones were shot down as they headed toward Israeli territory bordering the Gaza Strip. No damage or loss was reported.

“Three ministers threaten Netanyahu with resignation”

“At least three Israeli ministers” are considering resigning to force Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to publicly accept responsibility after Hamas’ surprise attack on October 7. The Yediot Ahronot newspaper’s Ynet website learned this, but did not publish their names. The site also publishes an opinion poll that shows 75 percent of Israelis blame Netanyahu for the country’s complete surprise at the Hamas attack. Today the newspaper also claimed that there are tensions between Netanyahu and the army.

Tajani: “No precise news on the release of 50 hostages”

“This is a press rumor, we don’t have any precise news on this topic yet. We are working towards this: our embassy in Tel Aviv, our consulate in Jerusalem, our embassy in Cairo and our crisis unit, we are all strong.” We are determined to achieve the goal of hostage rescue through the dialogue that we continue to have with the various countries “To achieve this.” That’s what the Foreign Minister said Antonio Tajani I am speaking from Luxembourg to reports in the New York Times about a possible release by Hamas of about 50 people with dual nationality.

“Tonight I will speak with the Brazilian foreign minister, who will chair the UN Security Council meeting. We are 100% committed to the release of the hostages and to getting the Italians who are in Gaza out as quickly as possible,” he said. Tajani added.

Iran threatens Israel: “We will attack the city of Haifa”

The deputy of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Ali Fadavi threatened to attack Israel, targeting the city of Haifa. He writes it on X Iran International.

“If the evil Zionists take the stupid initiative to invade the Palestinian territories, they will suffer a dishonorable failure and receive an unpleasant reaction from the resistance front,” the commander said Hossein Salami of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard He added that “the resistance front has reached maturity and is able to plan and act at any point in the region,” state television reported. “The Zionist regime is the political sect of the USA and Great Britain, it was founded by these countries, and for this reason the regime will never win the fight against the Palestinians because of its untruth,” Salami said, adding that “the Zionist Regime that kills children and its supporters are currently dependent on artificial ventilation due to their defeats.”

Israel fires a rocket at an air target from Lebanon

The Israeli army said it fired one interceptor missile towards the “suspicious aerial target” that had penetrated Lebanon on the territory of the Jewish state. Following the interception, warning sirens were activated in open areas in northern Israel.

Egypt proposes refugee camp in Rafah

Egypt proposed for establishment Refugee camp come to the Palestinian city from the north of the Gaza Strip Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip: This is reported by the newspaper Al-Araby Al-Jadeed, citing an anonymous source. According to the source, the plan calls for Cairo to take control of the camps, which will be located three kilometers from the Egyptian border. Egyptian authorities would provide emergency aid to the displaced people arriving in the camps from the northern Gaza Strip as they reject the idea of ​​sending them to the Sinai Peninsula, which is under Egyptian jurisdiction.

The “postponement” of the ground operation in Gaza

Israel would have decided to do so “Delay” the ground offensive They are awaiting the arrival of additional US forces in the region. This was reported by Israeli military radio Accordingly, the US has informed Israel of its intention to deploy additional troops in the Middle East in view of the ground operation due to Iran’s threats to act on various fronts. Military Radio said that this was not the only reason for the postponement, but that there were other reasons, including the presence of 350,000 Palestinian civilians in the northern Gaza Strip.

A new convoy of trucks enters the Gaza Strip via the Rafah border crossing

A new convoy with aid supplies has entered the Gaza Strip via the Rafah border crossing.

With the approval of the Israeli government, 14 trucks carrying humanitarian aid drove from Egypt to Gaza through the Rafah border crossing last night after being inspected by Israeli security forces. This was reported by military spokesman Daniel Hagari. “They contained water, food and medicine and were intended for the UN” on behalf of Palestinians displaced in the southern Gaza Strip. Hagari reiterated that Israel would ensure that this aid does not fall into the hands of Hamas. He also confirmed that Israel remains opposed to the importation of fuel into the Gaza Strip.

Rocket fire from Gaza into Israel has resumed

After many hours of calm, warning sirens about rockets from Gaza sounded again in the south and center of the country, especially in the coastal city of Ashkelon. This was announced by the military spokesman.

Chinese envoy, danger of conflict on borders with Israel

China considers the situation in the Gaza Strip to be “very serious” as there is a risk of an “escalation of large-scale land conflicts” and the spread of armed clashes along nearby borders. This is the assessment of Special Envoy for the Middle East Zhai Jun, who attended the peace conference in Cairo on Saturday during a visit to the region. Spillover effects in the region and internationally are increasing, Zhai added in the report on state broadcaster CCTV, as the conflict expands along the Israeli-Lebanese and Israeli-Syrian borders, “making the outlook worrisome.”

Army, bodies of 1,000 Hamas terrorists found in Israel

Since the beginning of the conflict, we have recovered over a thousand bodies of Hamas terrorists on Israeli territory, near the Gaza Strip and along the security barrier. This was stated by military spokesman Daniel Hagari. “The searches continue and it is possible that this is not the final number.” “This number – added Hagari – gives a measure of the severity of the fighting that took place in this area and of the heroism and “The courage shown by Israeli fighters, male and female,” and by civilians and other security forces “who faced barbaric and bloodthirsty murderers.”

Crosetto on a short visit to Lebanon: “Roll up your sleeves for peace”

Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosetto visits Lebanon to meet the over a thousand Italian soldiers stationed in the south of the country near the demarcation line with Israel. At the Shamaa military base, the minister was welcomed by General Giovanni Brafa Musicoro, head of the Italian contingent, which consisted mainly of the “Granatieri” brigade of Sardinia.

Maintain the presence of the Italian military in Lebanon to continue to guarantee peace, as has happened so far, but protect “their security, considering that in this mission the rules of engagement provide for a presence of peace” and nothing else, as happened in Lebanon in the past in different contexts, said the defense minister. Crosetto reiterated that Hamas is not the Palestinian people, but also called on them to “roll up their sleeves” for peace and not make predictions. Speaking about Lebanon, he recalled that 49 nations have their contingents in the country to ensure peace between the two neighboring states. And he emphasized the “respect that Italy enjoys, the result of the work of thousands of soldiers who have been deployed for years in their particular way.”

A clear distinction must be made between Hamas, a terrorist organization whose goal is the destruction of Israel, and the fate of the Palestinian people. Italy, for its part, is doing everything it can to de-escalate the conflict. It would be dramatic if these events ignited the Islamic world and triggered a new war between the West and Islam. “It’s the first time I’ve seen such collective activism to prevent the situation from getting worse,” Crosetto said.

Hamas could release 50 hostages with dual nationality

“A senior Israeli military official said that based on talks between the United States and Qatar, Hamas could ultimately release about 50 people with dual nationality, regardless of a broader agreement,” writes the New York Times in an article published on its online website -Output.

Israel: Number of hostages held by Hamas rises to 222

The number of Israeli hostages held by Hamas in Gaza has risen to 222. Military spokesman Daniel Hagari said that “the total number is updated from time to time based on intelligence information.” “In particular,” he added, “it took time because there are many foreign nationals among the hostages and their identification requires additional time.”

Borrell, now more humanitarian aid for Gaza and faster

“The most important thing now is to ask for humanitarian aid to be delivered to Gaza. In normal times, without war, about 100 trucks enter the Gaza Strip every day, so it is clear that 20 are not enough.” This is what the high EU foreign policy official, Josep Borrell, said upon his arrival in Luxembourg. “The most important thing is to do more and faster and especially to bring the basic things to Gaza that will ensure that water and electricity are restored,” Borrell said.

Biden and allies: “Progress with aid to Gaza and diplomatic measures”

The heads of state and government They reiterated their support for Israel and its right to defend itself against terrorism and called for respect for international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians. This is the content of the President’s joint statement Joe Bidenthe Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeauthe French President Emmanuel Macronthe German Chancellor Olaf Scholzthe President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic Giorgia Meloni and the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak after discussing the ongoing conflict between Israel and the terrorist organization Hamas.

As we read in the statement released by Palazzo Chigi, the leaders welcomed the release of two hostages and called for the immediate release of all other hostages. They also committed to close coordination to support their citizens present in the region, especially those who wanted to leave Gaza.

The leaders “welcomed the announcement of the first humanitarian convoys reaching vulnerable Palestinians in Gaza and expressed their determination to continue to coordinate with partners in the region to ensure sustainable access and food, water, medical supplies and other things.” Assistance necessary to meet humanitarian needs.”

The leaders “committed to continuing close diplomatic coordination, including with key partners in the region, to prevent the conflict from escalating, maintain stability in the Middle East and work toward a political solution and lasting peace.”

Bombs in Gaza, at least 17 victims in a crowded neighborhood

At least 17 people were killed This morning there was an Israeli bomb attack in the crowded area Jabalya district, north of Gaza. This was announced by the Gaza Interior Ministry, according to which they were members of the el-Batash family clan, relatives of one of the political leaders of Islamic Jihad. According to eyewitnesses on site, there are apparently more victims under the rubble. Local sources add that Jabalya residents have so far ignored repeated calls from Israeli forces to move to the south of the Strip, beyond Wadi Gaza.

Tajani: Now there is de-escalation, but Hamas can’t do what it wants

Now it is necessary “A de-escalation”, with “the disruption of rocket launches by Hamas and Hezbollah.” This is what Foreign Minister Antonio said Tajani Arrival in Luxembourg. However, regarding the need to immediately call for a ceasefire, Tajani stressed that “Hamas must not be allowed to do whatever it wants.” “Israel,” he added, “has the right to defend itself, but in an appropriate manner, without indiscriminately attacking the civilian population in Gaza.”

According to the Foreign Minister The risks of an expansion of the conflict in the Middle East “are present” and that is why we are working to ensure that this does not become a reality. “All of us, the US and the EU, are working through the diplomatic route and Italy has taken a leading role: the aim is to prevent a conflagration in the Middle East,” Tajani added. “The diplomatic route is always worthwhile,” Tajani specified.

“We have no signs of planned attacks in our country, but that does not mean that we should lower our vigilance,” said Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani upon his arrival in Luxembourg.

Borrell: “Beware of double standards, notes Moscow”

“The war in Israel and Ukraine has different roots and consequences, but equally causes earthquakes around the world. Russia is certainly taking advantage of this situation. The accusations of double standards existed before the war, and now they are returning: we must be very careful to show the same concern for every civilian killed. Of course we strongly support Israel because it has suffered one of the worst attacks against the Jewish people, but We must also take into account the killing of Palestinians, they are also victims of Hamas“. Josep said it Borrell Arrival in Luxembourg.

Israel: “No ceasefire in hostage-taking negotiations”

There will be “no ceasefire”. in Gaza during USA And Qatar They are working to free the over 200 hostages held by Hamas in the besieged enclave: an Israeli army spokesman, Jonathan Conricus, told CNN. The official said they were “not aware” of US calls for a postponement of Israel’s planned ground operation in Gaza, adding that both Israel and the US would demand the release of all hostages “as soon as possible”. “Humanitarian efforts must not interfere with the mission to dismantle Hamas,” he stressed.

Madrid is pushing for an international peace conference

“We have to have the power to advertise an international peace conference This will lead to the creation of a Palestinian state,” said Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel AlbaresArrival Luxembourg (Spain holds the rotating presidency of the EU). “The EU must speak with one voice and we must condemn both Hamas’ violence and attacks on civilians in Gaza,” he added. “This is the time for a ceasefire: for an end to violence and for looking forward.”

Two Palestinians were killed in clashes with Israel in the West Bank

Two Palestinians died and four were injured in violent clashes with the Israeli army in the Jalazoun refugee camp north of Israel Ramallah In West Bank. This was announced by the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian Authority (PNA), according to Wafa, which identified the two dead as Mahmoud Saif Al-Tarish Nakhla and Muhammad Nidal Alyan, who were killed “by bullets.”

Israel: Terror cell attacked in southern Lebanon

Tensions at the border remain high Lebanon. The Israeli army said it attacked a terrorist cell in Lebanese territory and destroyed a rocket launch site. According to the spokesman, the cell was planning an attack on the Israeli town of Shlomi

Biden and allies: “Israel defends itself, respects international law”

US President Joe Biden and the leaders of France, Great Britain, Germany And Italy They reiterated “their support for Israel and its right to defend itself against terrorism and called for respect for international law, including the protection of civilians.” The White House reports this in a note on the conversation between the American President and Rishi Sunak, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz and Giorgia Meloni. The leaders welcomed the announcement of the first humanitarian convoys to Gaza and called for the immediate release of “hostages” held by Hamas.

Israel attacks Hezbollah military facility in Lebanon

The Israel Defense Forces announced on Telegram that they had targeted some of them Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, including a military facility and an observation post. In addition, an IDF aircraft hit a terrorist cell operating on the border.

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