Russel Crowe arrived in Calabria landed at Lamezia airport on

Russel Crowe arrived in Calabria, landed at Lamezia airport: on the 20th in Catanzaro his first concert in Italy Il Lametino


Lamezia Terme – “Welcome to Calabria Russell”. With a post on social media, Gianvito Casadone, founder and director of the Magna Graecia Film Festival, announced the arrival of the famous actor at Lamezia Terme Airport. “We look forward to seeing you on June 20th at 9pm at the Politeama Theater in Catanzaro,” added Casadone.

In fact, the first concert in Italy by New Zealand actor and director Russel Crowe, Oscar winner 2001 for The Gladiator, is expected in Catanzaro and throughout the region as part of the tour that started in Australia last year. The show was organized on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Magna Graecia Film Festival by Gianvito Casadonte, which took place from July 29th to August 6th. Crowe, vocals and guitar, will perform with his group Indoor Garden Party and will be joined by Irish singer Lorraine O’Reilly. Crowe’s tour will touch on other Italian cities after the Calabria stage. Meanwhile, Russell Crowe will hold a press conference at the San Giovanni complex tomorrow afternoon to introduce the anticipated event.

Crowe, who has also had two Oscar nominations, in 1999 for Michael Mann’s “Behind the Truth” and in 2001 for Ron Howard’s “A Beautiful Mind”, has combined his commitment to cinema with that of the musician since the 1980s. The Russell Crowe concert is the first in a series of initiatives being promoted to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Magna Graecia Film Festival.