Russell Brand accused of sexual assault on set of Arthur

Russell Brand accused of sexual assault on set of ‘Arthur, a Billionaire’s Love’ – TVA Nouvelles

Russell Brand is facing a new lawsuit alleging sexual harassment from an extra in his 2011 film. Arthur, the love of a billionaire.

• Also read: New assault charge against Russell Brand

• Also read: Russell Brand is accused of rape and thanks his fans for their support

In her complaint filed with the New York State Supreme Court, the woman, who spoke on condition of anonymity, alleges that the comedian “looked drunk, smelled of alcohol and was carrying a bottle of vodka on set” before the alleged attack on July 7, 2010. claims the 48-year-old actor exposed himself to her in public and later that same day assaulted her in a bathroom by forcing her to perform oral sex on him while “a member of the production team guarded the door from the outside.” ”

The plaintiff is also suing Warner Bros. Pictures and other companies involved in the production of the film, which was largely shot in New York. “I felt exploited and mistreated. Disgusting is the only word. I felt like I was being used, that I was just an object to satisfy his momentary arousal,” she told the Sunday Times.

In court documents, she says she “suffered and continues to suffer from extreme embarrassment, shame and fear” following the alleged attack. She decided to remain anonymous because she still works as an actress and fears being harassed by fans of the former comedian, whose conspiratorial YouTube channel has more than six million subscribers.

The lawsuit was filed in court on Friday (11/3/23) under New York’s Adult Survivors Act, which allows alleged victims of sexual assault whose statute of limitations has expired to file a civil lawsuit between November 24, 2022 and November 24th . 2023.

Russell Brand did not immediately respond publicly to the lawsuit, but denied previous allegations of rape and sexual assault against him by four women, following a joint investigation by the Sunday Times and Dispatches. from Channel 4. British police said they were investigating the complaints against him, but this complaint in New York is the first to be formally taken to court.