Russia A man opens fire in a kindergarten killing several

Russia: A man opens fire in a kindergarten, killing several people

The facts happened on Tuesday, April 26, in a kindergarten in the Ulyanovsk region of western Russia. A man opened fire, killing two children and a teacher before committing suicide, regional authorities spokesman Dmitri Kamal told Agence France-Presse (AFP).

The children were probably “between 3 and 6 years old” and the investigators were on site. According to Russian news agencies, citing law enforcement agencies, “the reason for the shooting could be a family quarrel.”

For his part, Sergei Morozov, deputy and former governor of the region, told RIA Novosti news agency that a young teacher and two children, born in 2016 and 2018, were killed. Telegram channel Baza, known for its ties to security forces, reported that the man armed with a shotgun entered the school for lunchtime.

Shootings that tend to multiply

Deadly shootings, particularly in schools, have tended to increase in Russia in recent years, alarming President Vladimir Putin, who sees it as a phenomenon imported from the United States and a perverse effect of globalization. which prompted him to tighten legislation on carrying guns.

In September 2021, an 18-year-old student opened fire with a shotgun at Perm University in the Urals, killing six and injuring about 30.

In May 2021, a 19-year-old shot his old school, killing seven students and two teachers. The deadliest shooting dates back to October 2018, when a high school student killed nineteen people before committing suicide in a high school in Kerch, on the annexed Crimea peninsula.

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