Russia announces the capture of the Ukrainian town of Marinka

Russia announces the capture of the Ukrainian town of Márinka in Donetsk

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoiguannounced today the capture of the Ukrainian town of Márinka in the region Donetskduring a meeting with the president, Vladimir Putinbroadcast on public television.

“As part of the offensive actions of the units of the Southern military group Today we have completely liberated the city MarinkaShoigu said. If confirmed, it would be the largest advance of Russian troops into Ukraine in more than six months.

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He highlighted that MarinkaThe city, which had a population of just under 10,000 before the war, is located five kilometers southwest of the capital Donetsk.

“This is no small matter, we have significantly removed the work of the (Ukrainian) artillery from it Donetskthere, to the west, which will allow us to defend ourselves more effectively today Donetsk of enemy attacks“, he emphasized.

Shoigu highlighted that “practically on every street” The Ukrainians had fighting positions, among other things “complex tunnel system” which enabled them to resist Russian attacks on land and in the air.

In return, he emphasized that the liberation of this bastion will reduce Ukraine's defense potential and supply the Russian army “New opportunities for future action in this direction.”

Shoigu He was undoubtedly referring to this Avdivkaa city that is also nearby Donetsk and which, according to many observers, has been the scene of the bloodiest battle of the current war since October.

Putin also emphasized that Russian soldiers destroyed the fortified district Marinkabuilt by the Ukrainians in 2014, now have the opportunity to achieve this “a larger operating room.”

The taking of Marinka It is the Russian army's biggest victory since the May conquest Wagner Group from BakhmutCity located further north in the same region Donetsk.

Putin has stressed in recent weeks that its army has the initiative in almost all sectors of the front, which has forced Kiev to put itself at risk. defensive and start building fortifications.