Russia Believes Sanctions Undermine Human Rights

Russia Believes Sanctions Undermine Human Rights

Moskalkova, who was included in the EU sanctions list, told TASS news agency on Sunday that these actions violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all other relevant international legal instruments.

We can only regret that the humanitarian bridges that the ombudsmen worked so hard to build have been burned down to do justice to the political situation, he said.

Moskalkova pointed out that as the Russian ombudswoman, she was effectively denied the right to personally convey her position to her European counterparts and to fight for the rights of her compatriots, including freedom of movement and expression, and the use of their mother tongue.

The Ombudsman believes that the imposition of sanctions on the human rights ombudsman institution in Russia is further evidence of the impotence of the United States and the EU and their interest in escalating the conflict.

He noted that economic sanctions against Russia aimed at lowering Russians’ living standards and causing chaos and protests in the country were having no effect.

Likewise, the sanctions aimed at banning Russian culture, Russia’s achievements in sports, science and education, and the activity of professional journalism have also helped bring accurate information about the genocide to people in the West , not served Donbass, he added.

“The gentlemen of the EU are outraged by the truth about the long-standing genocide of the residents of Donbass and Crimea, the torture and ill-treatment by the Russian military, the fate of five million people who fled to Russia from Ukrainian shelling and Shoot.

That is why they are doing everything to prevent citizens of EU countries from learning the truth, Moskalkova added.
