1651411375 Russia celebrates Labor Day after two years of pandemic

Russia celebrates Labor Day after two years of pandemic (+ photos)

In this capital, even with the highest infection rates and still with sickness-related regulations, the holiday was accompanied by a car rally organized by the Independent Federation of Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR) in support of the actions of the leadership of the Russian country in Ukraine.

Russia celebrates Labor Day after two years of pandemic

Under the motto For a world without Nazism! The tour began on April 12 in Vladivostok and it is expected that after May 1, the columns will continue to move towards the hero cities of Volgograd and Sevastopol, where they will take part in the celebrations of the Victory Day.

According to the Telegram channel FNPR, the action is intended to show the world “the cohesion of Russian society in the struggle for the freedom and independence of our state, for the right to life of our citizens”.

For its part, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) organized a demonstration in the central Teatralnaya Square of this capital, where the monument of Karl Marx is located, to which it called the various forces of the left of the country to commemorate International Labor Day.

According to the chairman of the CPRF Central Committee Gennady Zyuganov, May Day is loved by different generations of the Eurasian nation and unites people who are not indifferent to the concepts of truth and justice.

He expressed that the words Peace, Work and May always supported the ranks of the fighters for socialism, friendship and the fraternity of nations.

Russia celebrates Labor Day after two years of pandemic

“On this day, under the red flags of the proletariat, workers and scientists, doctors and teachers, academics and students, veterans and youth march together, all those who do not accept injustice in the present and who are not indifferent to the future,” he said.

The communist leader stressed that the event brings together honest workers who follow the lofty ideals of equality and fraternity. He also expressed his satisfaction that the festival has retained its historical importance.

However, International Workers’ Day in this country changed its name after the Soviet Union disappeared and became Spring and Labor Days, which some Russians see as a way to reduce the date’s political nuance and distance it from the grand connotation that it had the times of the USSR.

Here, the holidays include this Monday and Tuesday, which along with the weekend days, many families used to go on vacation and walk around after the harsh winter, despite the news of the Russian military operation in Ukraine surfacing.
