It is possible that it is Yevgeny Prigozhin’s son, 25-year-old Pavel, who leads the Wagner mercenary group founded by his late father. This is supported by the ISW, the Institute for War Research, after which Pavel Prigozhin is negotiating with the Russian National Guard Rosgvardia to ensure that the mercenary organization joins them in the fighting in Ukraine. Citing a Telegram channel associated with the group, the American think tank speaks of an alternative leader to Wagner’s commander Andrei Troshev, who was tasked by Russian President Vladimir Putin with forming a group of volunteers who would fight in Ukraine. The retired former colonel has already signed a contract with the Defense Ministry and has been publicly embraced by Putin.
“Pavel Prigozhin alternative to the Kremlin and Troshev”
“Some of Wagner’s men are interested in engaging with an alternative linked to Prigozhin, rather than the Kremlin and Troshev, who is allied with the Defense Ministry,” the ISW said. Rosgvardia reports directly to the presidential administration, making “Putin’s public adherence to Troshev and the subordination of Wagner’s elements to the Russian Defense Ministry” notable, U.S. analysts said. “The Ministry of Defense should definitely provide the equipment and supplies for a large force reconstituted under Rosgvardia, as Rosgvardia does not have the logistical infrastructure to do this alone,” Isw specifies.