07 November 2022 16:37
Prigozhin: “We will intervene carefully, accurately, surgically and in our own way because we know how to do it”
The admission of Prigozhin, Putin’s “chef” – “We interfered, we interfered and will continue to interfere” in the US elections, “carefully, carefully, surgically and in our own way, because we know how to do it.” The admission – on the eve of Mid-Term Vote – comes from Yevgeny Prigozhin, a major Russian entrepreneur in the hospitality industry who is very close to Vladimir Putin. It can be found in a post published on VKontakte (the most popular social network in Russia) by the press service of his catering company Concord in response to a request for comments from an information site. At the same time, Prigozhin is credited with a cryptic metaphor: “In our precision operations, we will remove the liver and both kidneys at once.”