Russia held a grand Victory Parade in Red Square

Russia held a grand Victory Parade in Red Square

About 8,000 uniformed personnel and 125 military vehicles attended the event.

Soldiers who took part in the fighting as part of the military operation in Ukraine took part in the parade. (Photo: Cubasi)

The traditional Victory Day military parade marking the 78th anniversary of Hitler’s surrender to the Soviet Union in the homeland of World War I (1941-1945) took place this Tuesday, May 9, in Red Square in Moscow, the heart of the Russian capital ).

Russian President Vladimir Putin was accompanied in Red Square by his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko; Kazakhstan, Kasym-Yomart Tokaev; Kyrgyzstan, Sadyr Zhaparov; Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon; Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, and Turkmenia, Serdar Berdimuhamedov. Also present was Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan.

The event was attended by about 8,000 uniformed personnel and 125 military vehicles, including troops that took part in the fighting as part of the military operation in Ukraine and units of modernized military equipment based on the experience gained as part of this special operation.

The military-technical column was led by the legendary T-34-85. T-72B3M main battle tanks, BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicles, BTR-82 armored personnel carriers, VPK-Ural armored vehicles, 3STS Ajmat and S-350 air defense system units also toured Red Square.

Among other things, he highlighted the passage of the Iskander-M tactical-operational complexes, units of the S-400 air defense system, together with the RS-24 Yars mobile ICBM complexes. The last part of the parade with aviation was canceled.

At the end of the parade, Putin and the leaders invited to the celebration will lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in front of the Kremlin Wall in memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic War. The heads of state and government will then have an informal breakfast.

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