Russia hits a military factory in a Kyiv suburb

Russia hits a military factory in a Kyiv suburb

What there is to know

The city of Kyiv once again becomes a target for Moscow. In particular, a military factory that produces tanks was hit by a bomb attack on Saturday morning, April 16, in the suburbs of the Ukrainian capital. Russia claimed responsibility for the strike. A large number of soldiers and police officers are on site, preventing access to the complex from which smoke is escaping. Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko stated on Facebook that he had no information about the potential victims at the time. Follow the situation live with franceinfo.

Zelensky demands more guns. As usual, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed westerners with a video message. “They can make the war much shorter. The sooner and the more weapons we request, the stronger our position will be and the sooner peace will come,” he said.

Moscow announces “aftershock” strikes. “The number and scale of rocket attacks on Kiev sites will increase in response to all terrorist attacks and acts of sabotage carried out on Russian territory by the nationalist regime in Kyiv,” the Russian Security Ministry warned on Friday.

Violence continues in the east. In the largest region of the Donbass, that of Donetsk, where “fighting is going on along the entire front line”, three people were killed and seven injured on Friday, the Ukrainian presidency said. The other region of this mining basin, that of Luhansk, was the scene of 24 bombings, leaving two dead and two wounded, according to the same source.