Russia knows how to be dangerous

“Russia knows how to be dangerous”

by Francesco Verderami

The meeting of the ambassadors of Beijing and Rome in Putin’s country: We will no longer tolerate US world domination

“Be careful. If you want a dangerous Russia, know that it can be very dangerous ». Moscow, via Druzhby 6 April 1. Chinese Ambassador to Russia Zhang Hanhui receives his Italian counterpart Giorgio Starace in the imposing representation of the People’s Republic in Moscow. Everything in the palace tells of China, of the empire it once was and the power it has become. There are situations in which diplomats know how to round off or sharpen concepts. On “verbal balancing act and soft tones ” This time the host does without, as the Italian ambassador announced in a report sent to the Farnesina in the past few days.

Hanhui begins using Moscow’s propaganda paraphernalia to “justify a conflict as he defines it created by the United States to weaken Vladimir Putin and destroy EURussia relations.” He claims that the military action was a consequence of the constant eastward expansion of NATO, the West’s support for the armament of Kyiv “which was working on the construction of missiles with a range of two thousand kilometers” and housed on its territory “26 chemical laboratories Americans ” . The “legitimate” security requirements put forward by Russia would have been denied.

The conversation was immediately “very frank,” although Starace focused on the Chinese diplomat’s views in the “unclassified” document sent to Rome. That after defending Putin, the finger begins to be pointed at a shortsighted Europe, unable to defend its fundamental interests, without autonomy, and which, by supplying arms to Ukraine, would push Moscow to a military escalation. And that’s where he says, “Be careful. If you want a dangerous Russia, know that it can be very dangerous ».

But the most relevant part of the report, on which the State Department focuses, is the one that outlines Beijing’s strategy, which “maybe didn’t quite understand” Putin’s move but intends to exploit him. In fact, the discussion shows that China does not want to play any role in the peace process today. Hanhui explains to the guest: “By giving arms to Ukraine, you add fuel to the fire and then ask us for help to put out this fire. It’s not fair, and it’s not in our interest either. Ukraine is very far from us ». His thesis is that hostilities can only end after an “autonomous” agreement between the parties.

This would require a delayed resolution of the conflict. In fact, Hanhui clarifies that China would not have any particular interest in ending the war as soon as possible, since, in his opinion, the rupture in relations between Europe and Russia will lead to the latter becoming more and more dependent on China, which will ” never impose sanctions in Moscow. If anything, Western sanctions will make RussiaChina ties even closer.

The dragon appears in full strength in the report. And Putin becomes a simple pawn on the Beijing chessboard. It happens when Starace asks Hanhui where China’s pragmatic pacifism ended. Our pacifism so the answer is confused by the West with weakness, while we are “a great economic and also military power” and therefore “neither want to accept American world domination nor the constant interference of the West in our affairs. Interior”.

A shadow stretches across Taiwan and stretches across the entire planet. “Now the situation is different,” Hanhui continues: “We demand respect. We have the second largest economy in the world and a growing army. In just four years we are able to build a fleet as big as the British one. We will continue to not tolerate abuses from outside». Thus the Chinese diplomat, speaking of Kyiv, begins to design a new world order. With most of the countries he says will not join the West in the conflict. With alternative blocs condensing starting with Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. With the USA, their most important allies are being weakened. Europe is falling into a recession because companies will lose competitiveness on the markets due to the sharp rise in energy prices.
Is there anyone else who wants to turn away?

April 9, 2022 (Modification April 9, 2022 | 08:42)