Russia Lavrov points the finger at the USA They want

Russia, Lavrov points the finger at the USA: They want the war in the Middle East to expand

Russia and the US continue to refuse to say anything to each other. “It could be the United States’ wish that the conflict between Israel and Hamas intensify,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov accused in an interview with RT. “It seems to me,” he continued Vladimir Putin’s loyalist, “that the people who develop such scenarios actually want to provoke an even greater crisis. Maybe that’s what Americans want.

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Commenting on the likelihood that the conflict in Gaza will spread beyond the region’s borders, Lavrov then stressed that he sees “no signs that Iran or other countries want to start a large-scale war in the region.” The problem is whether this moderation will be perceived as weakness, a green light to do whatever you want in Gaza. That would be a big mistake.” There is still bad blood between Washington and Moscow, and any geopolitical pretext is good to take action against each other.

Also read: Gaza, Israeli army enters Al-Shifa hospital: hunt for Hamas