Russia openly announces the complete annihilation of Ukraine Ukraine

Russia openly announces the complete annihilation of Ukraine – Ukraine

Putin’s propaganda machine is getting tougher. In a media article, the complete annihilation of Ukraine is already expected.

Putin’s state news agency RIA Novosit caused an international uproar with an article published on Sunday. In his commentary titled “What Russia Should Do About Ukraine,” Russian journalist Timofei Sergeitsev not only recites the well-known “denazification” narratives, but also posits the annihilation of Ukraine’s sovereign state as a necessary consequence.

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Even for media loyal to the Kremlin, his choice of words is shockingly martial. However, this is unlikely to be an unwanted outlier. The Roskomnadzor media watchdog censors have dominion over all news companies, nothing passes that might go against the government’s line.

Russian journalist Timofei Sergeitsev at a 2017 congress.Russian journalist Timofei Sergeitsev at a congress in 2017.Vladimir Gerdo / Tass /

War as a “just punishment” for the civilian population

Sergeitsev repeatedly uses allegations in his pamphlet that Ukraine is ruled by Nazis. “We don’t need Nazi Ukraine, gang type, enemy of Russia and instrument of the West to destroy Russia,” writes the reporter.

Read more: References to “systematic war crimes” by the Russians

If he gets what he wants, National Socialist thought runs through all strata of the population. “Denazification is one of a series of measures aimed at the nazified mass of the population who, formally speaking, cannot be directly punished as a war criminal.” Most Ukrainian citizens are therefore “accomplices of National Socialism”, whose “just punishment” must be “suffering the inevitable harshness of a just war”.

The Russian Dream: Executions, Prison, Forced Labor

In Sergeitsev’s power fantasies, the “liquidated elite gangs” and “those who will not face the death penalty or imprisonment” must use forced labor to rebuild destroyed infrastructure. What remains of Ukraine must be completely rebuilt according to Russian ideas.

The name Ukraine “obviously cannot be kept as the name of a completely denazified state entity in the territory liberated from the Nazi regime”, rambles on Sergeitsev. His desired denazification is “necessarily also a desucrainization.”

Satellite images deny Putin’s lie about Bucha

The bizarre post was published shortly after the massacre in Bucha became known. In the suburbs of the Ukrainian capital, Russian soldiers reportedly killed hundreds of civilians and simply left their bodies in the streets. The images of independent journalists on the ground shook the world.

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“All false,” says the Kremlin. The Russians mock the victims, claiming that the Ukrainians may have killed their own countrymen and only put the bodies there for the world public after the Russian soldiers left.

Read more: Eyewitnesses describe Russian atrocities in Bucha

However, satellite images from mid-March – that is, during the occupation – already show bodies exactly where they were later found, debunking the claims of Vladimir Putin’s captors as blatant lies.

Thus, Russians continue to see themselves as liberators. Perhaps we should ask ourselves on both sides of the Urals, who more historically babbled so openly about the “cleansing” of an entire people and started bloody wars over it…

Read more: Names made public – Ukraine hunts Bucha “butcher”

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