Russia reports first attacks with Storm Shadows from Ukraine Merkurde

Russia reports first attacks with “Storm Shadows” from Ukraine

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  • Created: 05/17/2023, 20:12

    By: Max Schaefer

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    Britain supplies Ukraine with Storm Shadow cruise missiles. In the war against Russia, the weapon could be a “game changer”. Why?

    LONDON/KYIV – Bad news for Russia: Ukraine is targeting a machinery factory and oil depot in the occupied city of Luhansk. At the time of the attack on Saturday (May 13, 2023), it was 90 kilometers from the front lines of the Ukrainian war. Out of range of Himar and Mars II rocket launchers already possessed by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. It was clear to the Russian military that it had to be a “Storm Shadow” cruise missile.

    The “Storm Shadows” delivered Great Britain to Ukraine. This was confirmed by British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace last Thursday (May 11, 2023). The exact number of cruise missiles is unknown. In February, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the delivery of “long-range weapons” to Ukraine.

    “Storm Shadow” as a possible “game changer” in Ukraine’s war?

    The Storm Shadow cruise missiles are part of a series of weapons shipments from western countries to Ukraine during Zelensky’s trip to Europe. For a high-ranking US military officer, however, the weapon is a “game changer”, reports US news channel CNN. He emphasizes the benefits, especially in view of the planned Ukrainian counter-offensive.

    the cruise missiles UK-supplied “Storm Shadow” cruise missiles could be a “game changer” in Ukraine’s war. (File photo) © Ben Stansall/AFP

    At around 250 kilometers, the cruise missiles have a significantly greater range than the US Himars multiple rocket launcher and the German Mars II rocket launchers, which Ukraine has used to date. This gives the Ukrainian armed forces the opportunity to attack targets far behind the front lines. At the same time, they are difficult to identify due to the low flight altitude of 30-40 meters.

    Cruise missiles travel at a speed of nearly 1,000 kilometers per hour and can change targets while in flight. They have a dual charge warhead, allowing them to first break through their target’s armor before detonating the actual charge. Guided missiles are suitable for use against bunkers up to nine meters deep.

    Ukraine may use “Storm Shadow” to attack Russia’s strategic targets

    The weapon is therefore for use against fixed strategic targets such as bases, command centers and logistical centers. Important infrastructure facilities can also be attacked with it. In this way, Ukraine can disrupt the supply of Russian soldiers to the front lines and force Russia to move its core facilities behind the front lines or use resources to protect them from air strikes.

    The Bundeswehr has used the Leopard main battle tank in various variants since 1979. Armed with a 120mm cannon, four soldiers aboard the younger models can hit targets at ranges of up to 5,000 meters.  Ukraine will receive Leopard 2 A6 tanks.  When it was launched in 2001, the 62.5 ton vehicle was fitted with a new main gun as an improved variant of the A5.  The A6M model also has increased mine protection.See photo gallery

    Specifically, Russian-annexed Crimea is also within range of Ukrainian air strikes. This leads to a dilemma for the Russian military, explained Christian Mölling of the FAZ German Foreign Policy Society. Now you would have to protect installations and troop transports from air attacks.

    Russian soldiers in Crimea become Ukraine’s target thanks to “Storm Shadow”.

    Ukraine, for its part, could cut off Russian supplies to Crimea by attacking a Donbass-Crimean rail line. After the Crimean Bridge was damaged, it became the main supply route for Russian soldiers in Crimea.

    However, Ukraine must not attack targets in Russia, even if they are within “Storm Shadows” range. The British defense secretary therefore emphasized that long-range weapons would only be used to repel Russian troops in “Ukrainian sovereign territory”. According to CNN, Ukraine has promised this.

    For the West, “Storm Shadow” also poses a low risk, as military analyst and ex-military Sean Bell told Sky News in the UK. They are very useful, but the technology is 25 years old. “If it goes to the Russians, no big secret will be lost.” (ms)