Russia responds to new EU sanctions Putin We are evaluating

Russia responds to new EU sanctions. Putin: “We are evaluating restrictions on food exports to enemy countries”

Russia will have to be “more careful” with food exports abroad, “especially to enemy countries”. The President said so Wladimir Putin quoted by Tass announcing an export restriction. “The West is trying to dump its economic mistakes on Russia, to solve problems at Moscow’s expense, Putin added. Russia is one of the largest wheat producers in the world. Along with Ukraine, it has a 25% share of the $120 billion global wheat trade. The decrease in exports from Ukraine (15%) was only partially offset by increases in exports from the United States, India, Brazil and Argentina. The countries most dependent on Russian wheat are Turkey, Egypt and Yemen, but the turmoil in the markets is generating price hikes that are having an impact everywhere. The price of wheat is up 65% yeartodate that of corn by 32%. “There is a need to mitigate the negative externalities for our citizens: Increasing the production and delivery of quality food to the domestic market at affordable prices, including seafood. That is the key task this year, Putin said today.

The other emergency, the highest wheat prices.  Supplies to countries most dependent on Ukraine, including Lebanon, Yemen and Tunisia, are at risk

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The other emergency, the highest wheat prices. Supplies to countries most dependent on Ukraine, including Lebanon, Yemen and Tunisia, are at risk

For some time now, given the Arab Spring of 2011, observers have been emphasizing how dire this situation can be lead to turbulence and create political instability in the poorest countries. Russia and Ukraine are also important exporters of sunflower seeds. 80% of the world’s seed supply, which is used to make cooking oil worldwide, comes from here. In this case, too, the war in Ukraine and the blockade of the Black Sea ports are generating global shock waves that go beyond the actual shortage of supplies. According to some estimates, loads that feed move from these airports 400 million people around the world.

Sunflower and palm oil, fertilizers, wheat.  The war disrupts the food supply chains.  Patuanelli:

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Sunflower and palm oil, fertilizers, wheat. The war disrupts the food supply chains. Patuanelli: “Strengthening National Production”

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