Russia says risk of World War III is serious and

Russia says risk of World War III is serious and real; know where to invest your money in light of the consequences of the RussiaUkraine war Your Money

“The danger is serious, it’s real, we mustn’t underestimate it,” warned Moscow’s diplomatic chief Sergey Lavrov of the possibility of one Third World War. In an interview with Russian state television on Monday (25th), the minister attributed this risk to the unprecedented sanctions imposed on his country by the West after the start of the war RussiaUkraine War.

Economic sanctions, primarily imposed by the United States, include leaving the territory of companies or disrupting trade. More of 250 International companies participated in these sanctions, including giants Exxon, Apple, Ford, Disney, Meta, McDonald’s… To give you an idea, the Central Bank of Russia said the economy could contract 8th%.

And the tendency is for the situation to get worse. In addition to the speech by the chief of diplomacy, who warned of the danger of a third world war, there was also the worrying statement by Jens Stoltenberg, chief secretary of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization). He stated that the war could last up to years. After more than two months of conflict, there is no sign of a ceasefire.

How the spread of the RussiaUkraine war is affecting Brazil

Russia and Ukraine are vital to the commodities world due to their wealth of commodities such as oil, natural gas, agricultural products and industrial metals. With both countries weakened, Europe and the US have to look for other raw material suppliers.

Foreign investors are abandoning Russia, and billions of dollars are “fleeing” from there, looking for new land. This is one of the largest shifts in world capital in recent decades. The good news is that most of those billions of dollars have already started arriving in Brazil.

The balance of foreign capital on the stock exchange was already reached in March BRL 71.063 billionwhich exceeds last year’s total (BRL 70.785 billion). The uncertainties caused by the RussiaUkraine war led, among other things, to foreign investors coming to Brazil with a very specific interest: investments in raw materials.

But of course, not all B3 stocks are ready to receive that cash. There are few stocks on the stock market that are eligible to receive the mountain of dollars pouring into Brazil. A given company can benefit tens of billions more.

The infrastructure sector is hot. And there is one company in this sector that should benefit greatly from the “gringo” capital that has trickled into our country. It’s one of the top stock market bets for this year, with upside potential well above typical Brazilian investments, and is also an excellent dividend payer.

This is, according to Fernando Ferrer, senior analyst in the equities department of Empiricus (the country’s largest independent financial analyst firm), “the unanimous sign of some of the most seasoned analysts in the financial market” given the potential of the action. to benefit from the geopolitical changes caused by the RussiaUkraine war.

10 reasons to invest in these measures in the infrastructure sector

  • it is overly cheap. For now, at least, it costs BRL 11.58 (valued on April 29) and its pricetoearnings ratio (valued by dividing the share price by the company’s projected earnings) is 2.47, a number considered low ;
  • The company has already been considered by Forbes magazine best in the country in your industry;
  • Brazil’s leading equity experts nominate them;
  • the company is market leader throughout the American continent;
  • Your swing is round (with low debt and strong cash generation);
  • The infrastructure sector is probably the one hottest in business worldwide;
  • Keep the company’s products Giants like Petrobras, Cosan, Cyrella, Weg, JHSF, Eneva…
  • The state also uses its products in public infrastructure (roads, railways, electrical installations, telecommunications, etc.);
  • The company focuses on sustainability and works with 70% of recyclable raw materials in its production processes;
  • In addition to the gigantic value increase potential that is forecast for the price of this share, it will be able to pay off fat dividends for its shareholders of almost 20% per year.
  • How to invest in Brazilian stocks that are “on point” and have a chance of making big profits

    This proposal is not an idea that came out of nowhere. More of 30 The analysts at Empiricus, the country’s largest independent research house, have more than their eyes constantly on 400 Securities traded on our exchange. And after extensive research, they came to the conclusion that this move from the infrastructure space is a good choice.

    There is a report that gives the name of this promotion and explains in detail its full potential. It was written by Fernando Ferrer, MBA in Finance from UFRJ, Senior Analyst and EditorinChief of the As Melhores Ações da Bolsa series published by Empiricus.

    After you click on this link and see what Fernando Ferrer has to say, you can do it Access the report with the name of the infrastructure measure we are presenting in this text. You can access this document to know the stock ticker without making any financial commitment, you can be insured.

    In fact, you see a lot more: the analyst opens the names of the 17 stocks he recommends in the Best Stocks on the Stock Market portfolio.

    all of that off Freeway. There are 7 days of “tasting” during which it will be possible to consult the names of all actionsattend doubt sessions, read full reports, get a getting started guide and access courses on how to buy and sell stocks.

    After 7 days, the decision is yours: if the content is worth subscribing to, you can subscribe to the series and continue to receive followup and advice from the analyst. If you prefer, you can also request access blocking within 7 days.

    Now the decision is yours. The billions of dollars leaving Russia are already arriving in Brazil. The war between Russia and Ukraine is not expected to end, so much more money is expected to be “diverted” here. To see what actions are benefiting from this situation and how to engage, click below: