Russia sees delivery of cluster bombs to Ukraine as another

Russia sees delivery of cluster bombs to Ukraine as another step towards world war

Russia sees the US supply of cluster bombs to Ukraine as a further step towards a new world war and recalls that Washington has said in the past that the use of these explosive devices is “a war crime”.

“Washington continues to up the ante in the conflict (…). The deep involvement of the United States in the Ukraine conflict, even in the absence of cluster munitions, was never in question,” wrote Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov. on the Telegram account of the Russian Embassy in the USA.

“However, the current level of US provocation is really excessive and is bringing humanity closer to a new world war,” the ambassador said.

In addition, he stressed that the US is “so obsessed with the idea of ​​defeating Russia that they are unaware of the seriousness of what they are doing”. In his opinion, the White House’s military aid to Ukraine “only causes more casualties and prolongs the agony of the Kiev regime.”

“We firmly believe that Western weapons will in no way stand in the way of the objectives of the special military operation to eliminate threats to the security of the Russian Federation, including the Nazism fueled in Ukraine,” he added.

In his opinion, the cluster bombs are “a gesture of desperation” and the US deliveries to Ukraine “speak of the impotence” of Kiev’s western partners in the course of the 500-day-old war.

“However, they refuse to admit their own mistakes and the failure of attempts by the Ukrainian armed forces to launch an offensive against Russian regions. That is why they are committing new follies,” he stressed.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman María Zajárova, on her own Telegram channel, recalled the words of former White House press secretary Jen Psaki, who said on February 28, 2022 that the use of cluster bombs was “a war crime.”

Source: 20 minutes