Russia Ukraine War Kiev Nuclear catastrophe looms in Zaporizhzhia Putin

Russia Ukraine War, Kiev: “Nuclear catastrophe looms in Zaporizhzhia”. Putin orders 170,000 soldiers…

Borghi (IV): The farewell of the Italian ambassador seems like a page from Disinformacjia

“Does Minister Antonio Tajani share the farewell message of the Italian Ambassador to Russia, which seems like a page from the best disinformacjia? The Farnesina is called upon to strike a blow because such an ambiguous attitude damages our country and its credibility.” The Senator and Group Leader IV, member of Copasir, Enrico Borghi, wrote it on social media, publishing the speech of the Italian Ambassador in Moscow, Giorgio Starace, on the eve of his departure for Italy. The ambassador, in his speech reported by the embassy itself, recalled “the commitment to provide all-round support to the Italian community in Russia, as well as the initiatives to promote dialogue with Russian civil society, which continues despite everything.” Italy as a cultural reference point and to view Italian men and women as a friendly people. No one can truly understand a senseless war that has caused so many problems and claimed so many innocent lives. Russian men and women need voices that will show paths to peace and not more useless bloodshed.”