Russian forces launched an airstrike on the Black Sea port of Odessa early Monday, the Ukrainian air force and local officials said. According to Ukraine’s Southern Command, granaries were destroyed and the city’s port was “significantly damaged” by the drone and missile attack.
At least one person was injured when the explosions shattered glass in nearby houses, the command said. The barrage came after Ukraine attacked the Russian Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Crimea on Friday.
Here you will find the latest information about the war and its global impact.
The attack on Odessa was launched from the sea, Ukrainian military officials said, using a surface missile carrier and a submarine. Most of the missiles and drones were shot down by Ukrainian air defenses, but the port was hit and a fire broke out in a hotel that had not been used for years, officials wrote on Telegram.
The speaker of Canada’s House of Commons apologized after praising a 98-year-old Ukrainian man who served in a notorious Nazi military unit during World War II. Speaker Anthony Rota introduced Yaroslav Hunka following President Volodymyr Zelensky’s speech to parliament on Friday, calling him a “Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero.” Jewish groups condemned the honor.
A prominent Russian opposition figure has been transferred to a high-security prison in Siberiasaid his lawyer on Sunday. Vladimir Kara-Murza, a Washington Post opinion writer, was sentenced to 25 years in prison in April for treason after publicly denouncing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
The internet will be censored in Ukraine’s occupied Donetsk region following a decree by the Russian-backed leadersaid an exiled Ukrainian official. Petro Andrushchenko, an adviser to Ukraine’s mayor of Mariupol, said on Sunday that the Kremlin’s spy service was in control of internet traffic in the eastern region, that a Monday-Friday curfew had been reinstated and that demonstrations by Russian-backed authorities would have to be approved.
A bipartisan group of senators who recently visited Ukraine said there was no evidence that weapons provided by Washington were entering the black market. “We monitor. We track every device. No redirection took place. “No evidence of embezzlement,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) said in an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes.” aired on Sunday. The Biden administration is asking Congress to approve $24 billion in additional aid to Ukraine.
Canada will provide Ukraine with $482 million in defense assistance over the next three years, This will finance armored rescue vehicles, which are “urgently needed at the front,” said Zelensky his speech on Sunday evening. After his visit to Washington on Thursday, Zelensky met with Canadian leaders.
Finland’s top diplomat said aid to Ukraine was “not charity.” In an interview with The Post’s Ishaan Tharoor, Finnish Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen said, “It feels good” to now be a full member of NATO. She also spoke of the dawning realization that “this is not just Putin’s war” – but one that Russia’s “machinery” has been preparing for “for a very long time.”
Chairman of the polarizing Joint Chiefs leaves the stage: As Gen. Mark A. Milley retires this month, his four-year tenure as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is likely to go down as one of the most consequential and polarizing in recent memory. Dan Lamothe, Missy Ryan and Karen DeYoung report.
That includes his call for combatants, as the war in Ukraine neared its first anniversary, to consider a “window of opportunity” to agree on a peace deal – a position at odds with full public support the Biden administration stood for the defense of Ukraine.