Russia Ukraine war Pope Francis ready for sensational gesture lets

Russia Ukraine war: Pope Francis ready for sensational gesture, let’s see what he said

Russia-Ukraine war: Pope Francis ready for sensational gesture, let’s see what he says

Pope Francis is ready for a sensational gesturePope Francis is ready for a sensational gesturePope Francis is increasingly the protagonist, in the form of the mediator, in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Keep searching for the path to peace, but it is increasingly difficult and difficult.

He repeats the Pope himself, in an interview reported by Corriere della Sera: The attempts at mediation since the beginning of the conflict seem to have evaporated. “On the first day of the war I called the President of Ukraine Zelenskyy on the phone, Putin on the other hand, I didn’t call him. I heard it for my birthday in December, but no this time, I didn’t call. I wanted to make a clear gesture for the whole world to see and for I went to the Russian ambassador. I asked her to explain, I said ‘please stop’. And then I have asked Cardinal Parolin to convey the message to Putin, after twenty days of war, that I am ready to go to Moscow. Of course, it was necessary for the Kremlin leader to allow some breathing space. We haven’t received a reply yet and we still insist, even if I fear that Putin cannot and does not want to have this meeting right now. But so much brutality, how can you not stop it? We experienced the same thing with Rwanda 25 years ago.”

In an interview with the journalist the Pope also confirms that he will not go to Kyiv for the time being.“I sent Cardinal Michael Czerny and Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, who were there for the fourth time. But I feel like I don’t have to go. I have to go to Moscow firstFirst I have to meet Putin. But I’m also a priest, what can I do? I do what I can. If Putin opens the door … “Pope Francis does not know what caused the military escalation: probably, he explains.”NATO’s barking at Russia’s door “led the Kremlin boss to unleash the conflict. “An anger I don’t know if it was provoked, but maybe it was relieved”. Then a reflection on the arms race in Ukraine: “I cannot answer the question of whether it is right to supply the Ukrainians, I am too far away. It is clear that weapons are being tested in this country.” The Russians now know that armed tanks are of little use and are thinking of other things. This is what wars are fought for: to test the weapons we produce“.

Finally, an emphasis on the action taken by the Italian government: “Italy is doing a good job The relationship with Mario Draghi is good, it’s very good. I used to ask him for advice when he was at the European Central Bank. He is a direct and simple person”.